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  • Odyssey Systems has issued a warning over a ‘vishing’ scam sweeping the North East designed to harvest Office 365 log in details.

    The victim receives an email from a known contact whose details have previously been captured by the scammers, saying they have left a voicemail message.

    To listen, the recipient is asked to log on using their Office 365 username and password – allowing the hacker access to the entire email account.

    Vishing or voice phishing is the practice of sending emails which pretend to be from a reputable person, company, or government service to trick people into surrendering sensitive information.

    The first the victim is often aware that their data has been compromised is when all their email contacts receive an identical vishing email, sometimes within minutes of the initial security breach.

    Mike Odysseas, founder and managing director of Stockton-based Odyssey Systems, said that it was one of several similar vishing attacks, all based on voice messages.

    Some persuade recipients to either give away their passwords while others ask them to click a link that then downloads malware onto their computer.

    He said: “These vishing attacks use the name of a familiar sender and rely on the victim’s curiosity to listen to the message.

    “I would urge people to use Two Factor Authentication (2FA) which provides a much higher level of protection than Single Factor Authentication that many users have for Office 365 accounts.”

    With many of the vishing scams originating from abroad, the system is further strengthened through verification being linked to a UK-registered phone number.

    2FA offers a much higher level of security, adding a further level of authentication other than username and password to access an account – preventing someone being able to gain access using stolen details.

    Mike added: “Many of these vishing attacks focus on harvesting data and in doing so they perpetuate the scam by constantly gaining access to fresh email addresses.

    “They are searching for sensitive information and the possibility that the password used to log to the Office 365 account is the same used by the victim for the online banking or one use for your online banking or Amazon account – which can potentially land them with a big pay day.”

  • The Stockton-based telecommunications company says businesses can easily switch from the outdated ISDN system in favour of SIP, which ensures continuity of productivity wherever their employees are via hosted telephony.

    This replaces traditional landlines which keep staff anchored to their office desk with a cloud-based system hosted remotely and connected via the internet.

    Odyssey Systems is advising businesses in the North East that they can follow the example of social media giant Twitter by allowing staff to work from home to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

    It says such capabilities will prove crucial in supporting the UK economy and maintaining services, should the country experience a significant outbreak of coronavirus.

    As well as current concerns over health, remote working is increasingly becoming a lifestyle choice – with the Office of National Statistics predicting that 50 percent of UK employees will be working remotely by the end of this year. Meanwhile, 90 percent of staff say they’d like to work remotely at least part time.

    Innovative and agile technology such as SIP deliver advanced remote working capabilities, video and web conferencing plus the flexibility to add or remove users without disruption or extra cost.

    Installing a hosted system is both easy and inexpensive and offers complete freedom by connecting staff in the car, at home or across multiple sites via desktop phone, laptop or mobile app – with the same functionality as an office-based system.

    Call quality is guaranteed to be superior than calling a landline or a user’s mobile and clients are unable to tell the difference if connected to a home extension and any issues over background noise are solved through the use of noise cancelling headsets.

    In a blog post, Twitter announced this week that it was mandatory for its staff in Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea to work remotely – while it was “strongly encouraging” its 5,000 employees around the globe not to come in as part of its strategy to prevent the spread  of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

    Mike Odysseas, founder and managing director of Odyssey Systems, said: “Modern technology makes it possible for any business to follow the lead of Twitter and allow their employees to work from home – or virtually any location, if required.

    “Such a capability could prove crucial to preserving the economy and maintaining services should the UK fall victim to a mass outbreak of coronavirus – but it can also save both businesses and their employees time and money.

    “Various studies have found staff who work from home are more productive and so remote working can have a really positive effect. We have grown used to working as part of a team in a fixed location but everyone can learn to work differently. I believe more and more businesses will adopt a more relaxed attitude towards remote working as cloud-based solutions grow and reshape every sector.”

  • Tees Valley-based Odyssey Systems is helping to boost the productivity at PD Ports, one of the UK’s major port groups, with the completion of the final phase of a major telephony infrastructure project.

    Odyssey was tasked with streamlining PD Ports’ system to provide an end-to-end solution and improve connectivity across its multiple sites throughout the country.

    PD Ports previously worked with several suppliers to deliver its telephony requirements and the partnership with Odyssey allows it to be managed by one, locally-based supplier that has helped to reduce costs through measures implemented by the telecommunications firm.

    The complete overhaul of the service, which was completed over a two year period, given the complexity of the project with multiple providers previously involved, included the installation of a Mitel MiVoice business system, utilising PD Ports’ existing land connectivity and routers, so no further investment was required.

    The new system also provides a number of desktop and mobile-based apps to enhance employees’ internal and external communications, as well as allow them to see the presence of everyone on the network.

    Encrypted call recording is another feature that has been installed to provide additional security measures and to ensure PD Ports meets current regulatory requirements.

    Odyssey’s team of technicians also provided comprehensive staff training upon completion of the project, having worked closely with PD Ports’ entire IT team to implement the efficient measures.

    Jan-Willem Rikkerink, IT Director at PD Ports, said: “Working with Odyssey Systems, we’re now on a telephone system that fits our business requirements and will support our future growth.

    “Communication is a key element of our business and bringing all of our employees together on one system will ensure we can continue to provide the best service for our customers. Now that the systems are in place, Odyssey continues to provide great ongoing support and the projected cost savings are now being realised.

    Matthew Park, Sales Manager at Odyssey Systems, said: “Our work with PD Ports demonstrates our ability to deliver effective solutions on behalf of clients, regardless of size or complexity. We have worked tirelessly and effectively to deliver a system fit for one of the region’s leading businesses that will boost connectivity between its extensive workforce and sites across the country.

    “We are looking forward to building on this partnership with PD Ports and providing them with the technological tools to be able to service its customer more efficiently that will boost its productivity.” 

    Established in 1987, Odyssey Systems is an award-winning company and leading supplier of hosted telephony, cloud services and high-speed connectivity solutions to more than 2,500 customers in the UK.

  • Due to a new regulation set out by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), all calls must be recorded in the financial sector from 3 January 2018.

    Odyssey Systems can help your business become compliant as we offer a range of call recording systems that will ensure you are MiFID II ready.

    Our base call recorder features include:


    –           The ability to highlight, annotate and share select portions of a call recording;

    –           Selective recording, allowing only desired extensions to be monitored;

    –           Permission based access, allowing users to only listen to calls they have been given access to;

    –           Call visualisation, which displays all activity that occurred throughout a call;

    –           Call recording playback via encrypted media file streaming for an enhanced level of security;

    –           PCI Compliance and the ability to manually stop and start recordings;

    –           Click-once installation and upgrade technology for quicker deployment


    If you require any further information or advice on our call recording systems, please don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01642 661888.

  • Odyssey Systems logo

    Jokes about barely recognisable classical pieces played on 1980s-style synthesizer keyboards and the all too familiar sound of Muzak aside, running a business in the 21st century should mean having something more professional and reflective of the company when customers are placed on hold.
    On hold music is a surprisingly large part of business life, with some callers spending the equivalent a number of working days a year waiting on the phone. While every business endevours to answer calls quickly and efficiently (and Odyssey has technology to help our customers deliver that commitment), it is inevitable that on occasions people will be placed on hold. Therefore, the experience has to be a positive one.
    Research by a large American telecoms provider revealed that when someone is placed on hold for 30 seconds without hold music they can perceive the time passed being as long as 90 seconds, while when hold music is provided they can feel as little as 15 seconds has passed.
    As the only telecoms provider that gives our customers an [introductory hold production fox???] with every system, free of charge, something which can cost hundreds of pounds a month from other companies, we’re often asked about licensing and hold music.
    Depending on the music you select, you may need to pay for not only one, but two different licenses. The PRS for Music (PRS) collects license fees on behalf of composers of music and lyrics, while Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) collects fees on behalf of performers, such as singers and musicians.
    An organisation must pay for a PRS license if the music it is playing is in copyright and for non-personal use. It would need a PPL license if it is playing music in public, even for just the one person. On hold music can fall into both of these categories.
    In almost all cases on-hold music will require a PPL license, however, in the case of some classical music it may not require a PRS license. Because the estate of a composer has copyright on their music for seventy years after their death, you can use music written by anyone who died before 1947 as on hold music with just a PPL license.
    While many organisations already have both of these licenses in order to play music for staff and customers, it is worth making sure, as getting this wrong could land you in court.
    To find out how Odyssey can improve your on-hold telephone facility, call our expert team on 01642 661800

  • Please Credit Picture:Keith Taylor


    A Stockton call handling company has benefited from a fresh new look as it prepares to expand its workforce after moving to a growing business park.

    Lemon Business Solutions, which provides 24/7 call centre solutions to clients in the UK and internationally, has relocated its 45-strong workforce to Odyssey Systems’ newly-established business park.

    As a result of the move, Lemon is hoping to increase its workforce by 20% to meet the demand of its growing clientele.

    Lesley Wratten, managing director of Lemon Business Solutions, said: “The new office space exemplifies exactly what our business is all about and has created a fresh, zesty work environment for our staff. We have experienced significant growth in recent years and these larger premises will allow us to gear up for further expansion.”

    “The IT infrastructure and connectivity in place was essential in forming our decision to relocate as we had simply maximised the space at our previous office and handle thousands of customer service calls every day. Our new, state-of-the-art call management centre will allow us to continue to deliver an excellent level of customer service to our clients and I am looking forward to what the future holds for Lemon.”

    Lemon Business Solutions’ relocation completes a hat-trick of new tenants for the business park following JBC Accountants and UK & Ireland SAP User Group.

    Odyssey Systems has invested in the complete refurbishment of the 20,000 sq. ft. business park for its tenants.   The site offers a comprehensive telecommunications service, which includes hosted telephony and a fully-synchronous, uncontended Ethernet connection, as well as fingerprint recognition software and increased security for tenants.

    Christine Gilbert, director of Odyssey Systems, said: “I am delighted to welcome Lemon to the business park and start a new chapter in our long-standing relationship.  Lemon is a longstanding Odyssey Systems customer and is well-aware of the excellent service we provide, which they will now also experience as a tenant of our business park.

    “Lesley and I have worked closely together on the creation of their new offices, which reflects their brand and personality as well as providing the high quality of telecoms technology they have become used to over the years from Odyssey Systems.”

  • Please Credit Picture:Keith Taylor

    Odyssey Systems has received top marks from The Education Village Academy Trust (EVAT) after revamping the telecommunications infrastructure serving the Multi Academy Trust’s five schools, which span three separate locations.

    After experiencing problems with its aging system, which was installed almost 10 years ago, The EVAT decided to upgrade; after considering a number of providers, it gave Teesside-based Odyssey Systems the call.

    The installation of the new Mitel network, carried out by Odyssey’s expert engineers, is an IP-based system and much more flexible than its predecessor, which often required inconvenient upgrades and maintenance.

    Following the completion of the two-week project, which included more than 150 phone extensions, The EVAT’s five schools are fully-connected, with staff now able to easily make internal calls between its facilities – which will be particularly useful for its centralised administration department.

    The EVAT comprises Haughton Academy, Beaumont Hill Academy, Springfield Academy, Gurney Pease Academy, and Marchbank Free School, which together make up an all-age a Multi Academy Trust.

    Its Haughton, Beaumont and Springfield academies share a state of the art, £27 million building at The Education Village, which has allowed for a unique and innovative service provision.

    Mike Odysseas, managing director at Odyssey Systems, said: “The EVAT is a forward-thinking educational provider and it was great to work with them. The new system is extremely durable and will maintain its reliable performance without the need for regular updates; it will serve them well for many years to come.”

    Paul Thompson, IT & Media Manager at The EVAT, said: “After having a few weeks to test out the Mitel system we are very pleased with the final product. The service has also been first-class; our network presented a unique challenge and Odyssey’s engineers have worked tirelessly to identify and deliver a suitable infrastructure package, which would connect each of our five schools.”

  • Please Credit Picture:Keith Taylor

    Odyssey Systems, the Teesside-based telecommunications specialist, has completed one of its biggest projects to date, which included the creation of a 264,000 sq. ft. Wi-Fi zone at a factory in Chester-le-Street.

    Odyssey was appointed by Coveris Rigid UK to provide a portfolio of telecommunications solutions for the food packaging manufacturer’s Drum Park facility.

    Coveris Rigid, part of the worldwide Coveris group, which is owned by Sun Capital, acquired the Drum Park site last November after it has remained empty for a number of years.

    As part of the conversion of the building, Odyssey installed a 100MB lease line with microwave back-up, 100 IP telephony extensions, which are integrated with the company’s other UK and European sites, and 31 Kilometres of category 6 and fibre cabling.

    Central to the project was the need to create a whole-site roaming Wi-Fi network throughout the 18-metre tall factory, which would not only provide consistently strong Wi-Fi connections in office, manufacturing and warehouse locations, but enable operatives to move throughout the building using devices without losing connection to the network.

    The signal is transmitted through a network of Wi-Fi units, which have been strategically installed by Odyssey to ensure maximum coverage, with the connections handed over to the closest unit as operatives move through the facility.

    The system will be of particular benefit to Coveris’ logistics partner, Stiller Warehousing and Logistics, to enable its staff to interact with the company’s IT systems using mobile devices.

    The project was delivered to meet customer timescales over a five-day period by a team of 10 of Odyssey’s experienced, directly-employed engineers.

    Once the building is completed the company will begin producing its range of food packaging products and distribute in the region of 1.7 billion units per year from the site to locations across the UK.

    Mike Odysseas, Managing Director of Odyssey Systems, said: “We are very proud to have completed this significant project for Coveris, which not only demonstrated our ability to deliver jobs of this scale to very tight deadlines, it enabled our engineers to apply innovative solutions to meet our customer’s requirements.

    “The connectivity we have brought to the site will support Coveris’ productivity drive and enhance the interaction between the company and its logistics partner.”

    Ian Donal, Operations Manager and Drum Project Manager from Coveris Rigid UK, said: “Odyssey has played a key role in establishing the communication infrastructure at Drum Park and will enable our employees to maximise the use of technology to manage and operate our business.  The large Wi-Fi network will be of particular benefit to our operations as the consistency of its signal strength throughout the factory will support a wide range of technology-based systems designed to boost productivity.”

  • office move and fit out

    Continued growth at Odyssey Systems has led to the Tees Valley-based telecommunications technology specialist expanding into new premises.


    The move has been made possible after Odyssey Systems acquired the former Thirteen Group building opposite its current headquarters at Preston Farm, Stockton.


    The company is currently undertaking a significant refurbishment and fit-out of the building and plans to move in before the end of February.


    Odyssey Systems, which provides telecommunications and connectivity systems for business, has experienced strong growth in the past four years and has increased its workforce from 26 to 30.  As a result of the move into larger premises, Odyssey Systems aims to create a further six new jobs in the next three years.


    In addition to developing the top floor of the building for its own operations, Odyssey Systems has also refurbished a further 20,000 square feet to create new, fully-fitted offices for business tenants.


    The company is also utilising some the additional space to introduce a dedicated video conferencing suite and a technology demonstration area.  Odyssey is also creating a new stock and technology storage facility, which will hold the complete telecoms systems and replacement parts for both current and past models from its long-term technology partners Mitel, and LG.
    The new building will also enhance the company’s internet services to its clients.  Due to the building’s height and the installation of connectivity masts, Odyssey will increase the reach of its long-range microwave high speed leased line signals, which can extend to a range of 30km.


    Odyssey System’s new headquarters is the latest in a series of recent investments by the company, which has included the introduction of a new fleet of 12 branded Ford Connect vans.  It also recently achieved the ISO: 9001 accreditation, which highlights the company’s ongoing commitment to delivering exceptional levels of customer service.


    Mike Odysseas, Managing Director of Odyssey Systems, said: “We have enjoyed continual growth in recent years, which has facilitated the need for the new offices.  By building strong relationships with companies across the North East and establishing partnerships with technology partners such as Mitel, which has enabled Odyssey to work with larger business customers, we are in a strong position for the future.


    Mike added: “Expanding into these new premises has also enabled us to support the growth of other businesses.  The additional space we have created will be attractive to businesses, which will benefit from being located in this thriving part of Tees Valley and the infrastructure we have incorporated, such as hosted telephony and superfast internet speeds.”

  • mans hand on mouse at work

    Telecommunications specialist Mike Odysseas is warning North East businesses of an increase in targeted, sophisticated email fraud.

    His business, Stockton-based Odyssey Systems has experienced a spike in ‘socially-engineered fraud’ where scammers are using advanced methods to extract money from their victims.

    The company is now monitoring more than 200 emails per day within the million messages sent to its Internet Service Provider (ISP) business customers where fraudsters appear to adopt people’s email addresses and try to encourage financial transactions with the email account holder’s contacts.

    Common email fraud practices, known as phishing, aim to trick recipients into believing they know the person or company corresponding with them.  To prevent being caught by these scams, recipients can check the email address the message comes, which will reveal it has no connection to the supposed real sender.

    However, scammers are now utilising a new method, which actually mirrors real email addresses and make messages look genuine and, therefore, can also fool monitoring systems and programmes including Microsoft Outlook.

    Fraudsters are also researching the contacts the accounts they are mirroring and their contacts to make the emails more genuine and dupe unsuspecting victims.

    Odyssey Systems, which provides ISP services to hundreds of businesses across the North East, has identified this new practice and is employing new protocols within its automated email monitoring systems, including the ability to identify the fraudsters Internet Protocol (IP) address to capture these email before they reach their recipients

    Mike Odysseas, Managing Director of Odyssey Systems, said: “This kind of socially-engineered fraud is on the rise and people have to remain vigilant.  It means questioning any messages they receive about financial transactions, even if it looks like it’s from someone they know.

    “Fraudsters are relentless in their use of email as a way to illegally obtain money.  This latest method has the ability to not only trick recipients through a genuine looking message, but also fool computer programmes into thinking it has been generated by the real email address.

    “This could have serious financial implications for North East businesses and as a responsible Internet Service Provider we are continually creating new variables to prevent this horrendous practice from affecting our customers.”

  • BT Logog 2003



    Telecommunications expert and founder of Odyssey Systems, Mike Odysseas has warned that rural areas of the UK would be the biggest losers if the government was to redistribute subsidies supporting the rollout of high-speed broadband.

    Mr Odysseas has spoken out in favour of government support for BT’s rural infrastructure expansion, amidst strong criticism from the UK’s second largest broadband provider, Virgin Media.

    Under subsidies announced in 2012, BT has received almost all of the scheme’s state aid, which has helped take national coverage of fibre optic broadband in the UK to approximately 90 per cent. However, Virgin Media are calling for the second, £500m phase to be halted as other private sector companies feel they are more than capable to match BT’s provision.

    Mr Odysseas has voiced concerns over Virgin Media’s claim and said: “BT is perfectly-placed to deliver high-speed broadband to rural areas and difficult urban zones as a result of decades of investment in communications infrastructure.

    “Virgin’s position on the matter is a direct contradiction of its business model, which only serves resident areas and limited commercial locations, which already have access to high-quality coverage. If the government was to press pause on BT’s rollout, a large number of rural businesses would remain without adequate broadband for at least another three years.

    “The government’s decision to utilise BT and its existing infrastructure, is a sound business move that will help deliver an accelerated programme, which bolsters the UK’s broadband network. Any plan to alter this subsidy scheme would prove disastrous for technology-reliant companies in hard to reach locations.”

  • EMS (UK)


    Odyssey Systems has come to the rescue of County Durham-based EMS (UK) Ltd after being left without an operational telecommunications system for more than two weeks.

    EMS (UK) Ltd, the independent ambulance provider, expanded into a new facility toward the end of May, expecting a fully-functioning system to be in place upon arrival, as promised.

    However, the contractor, a national telecommunications provider, had failed to deliver – resulting in significant disruptions to the company’s regular business activities.

    For more than two weeks EMS (UK) Ltd had no option but to transfer calls to mobiles, which proved to be less than ideal. With no clear solution in place, they then called for help from Odyssey Systems.

    The Odyssey team got to work straight away, within two days they had solved the problem and restored full connectivity and installed a VoIP telephone system.

    EMS (UK) Ltd is one of the few independent, frontline ambulance providers that offer the services of highly qualified pre-hospital care personnel. Although based in the North East of England, it is a specialist in providing medical cover for all types of events throughout the country.

    Christine Gilbert, director at Odyssey Systems, said: “Service sector businesses need to be readily available to their clients, especially companies such as EMS that deal with extremely time sensitive situations.

    “The installation of the VoIP system will prevent further complications and ensure a reliable communication system moving forward.

    Mark Throw, general manager, at EMS (UK) Ltd, said: “The service delivered by Odyssey Systems was exceptional and without its intervention we may still be experiencing technical difficulties. They made light of a complex situation and provided us with regular updates on the situation.“


    Wear Referrals


    Odyssey Systems has overcome a notorious internet blackspot to help Wear Referrals treat injured animals at its new Sedgefield-based veterinary hospital.

    Wear Referrals’ facility is equipped with a range of advanced medical equipment to treat pets of all sizes, including an MRI scanner and digital x-ray, which consume large amounts of data whilst in operation.

    Under normal circumstances the Odyssey team would have prescribed the installation of a leased line, however, in this case it would have not been a cost-effective solution.

    After assessing a range of options, the Odyssey technicians installed stand-alone microwave mast dedicated to Wear Referrals, which provides internet speeds of up to 20mb – more than enough to simultaneously cope with the demands of the company’s medical equipment, and at a fraction of the cost of a leased line.

    Wear Referrals is a veterinary referral service for the North of England, conveniently located near the A1 in County Durham. It accepts referrals in orthopaedics, spinal surgery, soft tissue surgery and magnetic resonance imaging.

    Christine Gilbert, director at Odyssey Systems, said: “Wear Referrals’ high quality service provision is reliant upon technology that regularly uploads and downloads large files. The microwave link has provided a cost-effective solution that will effectively address the company’s need for a reliable internet connection.

    “At Odyssey we appreciate the fact that there isn’t a ‘one size fits all’ approach. This is why we often deliver bespoke systems in line with client requirements.”

    Stacy Burleigh, practice manager, said: “Opening a new hospital is very complex and time consuming, so it was important that we chose a company able to work around our schedule. Its engineers gave us regular updates throughout and completed the job at hand without causing any interruption.”

  • Business women election 


    A round table discussion involving Tees Valley business women, hosted by Odyssey Systems, believes a cut in business rates, business-boosting immigration policies and out-of-hours GP services should be top of the General Election agendas.

    The business women’s forum, which meets at the Stockton-based telecommunications company every two months, discussed what initiatives they would like to see adopted by the political parties in their manifestoes.

    The wide-ranging debate covered topics including:


    • Introducing out-of-hours GP services so business people can see a doctor without it impacting on their working day. A seven-day-a-week service also would take the pressure off A&E departments


    • Public sector services and departments drawing on private sector knowledge and principles


    • Capping welfare payment levels so it pays people to work rather than rely on benefits


    • Immigration restricted to people who want to work


    • Cutting business rates to rescue dying town centres by attracting retailers in to empty shops and to give small businesses the financial ability to grow and expand

    Christine Gilbert, Director of Odyssey Systems, said: “With the General Election fast approaching, the group felt it was timely to turn its attention to what business women would like to see adopted in election manifestos.

    “The forum presented an opportunity for women from a range of companies in Tees Valley to scrutinise election issues from a business perspective and identify those that they believe are vital to the area’s and the country’s economic wellbeing.

    “The top three issues, which emerged from the discussion, were reducing benefits to make work pay, the need for out-of-hours GP services so that seeing a doctor does not affect a business person’s productivity and how immigration is not necessarily bad for the economy if restrictions are introduced.”

  • 4G has been around for some time now. It is the latest generation of mobile internet technology. With coverage improving around the UK, we’re beginning to see mobile providers offering packages specifically targeted at replacing traditional fixed line connections. But is it really viable option for business and what are the pitfalls?

    Here is what you need to consider:

    • Location – masts in major towns and cities are being upgraded to 4G first. If you’re a bit further out 4G may not be an option at all.
    • Bandwidth – In theory 4G will deliver 300Mbps download. In reality even with full signal you’ll rarely see more than 80 Mbps. There are no guarantees. The bandwidth you’ll get depends entirely on your distance from the nearest mast and on the level of environmental interference. 
    • Contention – Ever been to a football stadium, had full 4G signal but still had a painfully slow internet experience?  This is because 30,000 people are trying to use a fixed amount of capacity. 4G network providers do not publish their “contention ratios” or their capacity, so you’ll have no guarantees as to what will happen when the network gets busy.
    • Data Transfer – 4G packages have a very low data transfer limit and if you use it all up they slow down your connection considerably for the rest of the payment period or raise heavy over quote usage charges.
    • Fixed Public IP – If your business needs to do anything more technical than basic email and web browsing a fixed public IP address is usually essential. With the vast majority of 4G providers this is simply not an option, and they will issue your connection a dynamic IP address that changes all the time. No good if you’re looking to remote desktop to the office from home or check your IP CCTV cameras etc…
    • Hardware – To use 4G on your office network you’ll need a device that converts 4G in to a WiFi or wired Cat5 connection. 4G mobile providers typically force you to use their supplied equipment which limits the number of internal devices you can connect. In addition, you’ll really struggle to setup more advanced local network features that you might be used to.
    • Upload Bandwidth – Bear in mind that 4G won’t deliver a synchronous connection. This means the upload speed will be much lower than the download speed. Certainly a consideration if your business sends large files such as images, CAD drawings and project files.
    • Backup – If you’re using the supplied hardware from the mobile provider there is no backup option for you when their network has planned or unplanned downtime.
    • Support – If you have a problem or things aren’t going to plan, you’ll benefit from the same level of support that you’re used to from your mobile phone provider.

    In conclusion there are circumstances where 4G is a viable option for business connectivity, however we feel all of the above items need to be carefully considered.  There are many other technologies that will deliver similar speeds at similar cost without the downsides.

    Odyssey Systems have a team of experts in the North East with experience built over 28 years of trading. Call Matt on 01642 661808 to discuss the many options available for you such as:

    • ADSL
    • FTTC
    • Bonded ADSL
    • EFM
    • Microwave
    • Ethernet Leased Line