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  • Odyssey Systems has issued a warning over a ‘vishing’ scam sweeping the North East designed to harvest Office 365 log in details.

    The victim receives an email from a known contact whose details have previously been captured by the scammers, saying they have left a voicemail message.

    To listen, the recipient is asked to log on using their Office 365 username and password – allowing the hacker access to the entire email account.

    Vishing or voice phishing is the practice of sending emails which pretend to be from a reputable person, company, or government service to trick people into surrendering sensitive information.

    The first the victim is often aware that their data has been compromised is when all their email contacts receive an identical vishing email, sometimes within minutes of the initial security breach.

    Mike Odysseas, founder and managing director of Stockton-based Odyssey Systems, said that it was one of several similar vishing attacks, all based on voice messages.

    Some persuade recipients to either give away their passwords while others ask them to click a link that then downloads malware onto their computer.

    He said: “These vishing attacks use the name of a familiar sender and rely on the victim’s curiosity to listen to the message.

    “I would urge people to use Two Factor Authentication (2FA) which provides a much higher level of protection than Single Factor Authentication that many users have for Office 365 accounts.”

    With many of the vishing scams originating from abroad, the system is further strengthened through verification being linked to a UK-registered phone number.

    2FA offers a much higher level of security, adding a further level of authentication other than username and password to access an account – preventing someone being able to gain access using stolen details.

    Mike added: “Many of these vishing attacks focus on harvesting data and in doing so they perpetuate the scam by constantly gaining access to fresh email addresses.

    “They are searching for sensitive information and the possibility that the password used to log to the Office 365 account is the same used by the victim for the online banking or one use for your online banking or Amazon account – which can potentially land them with a big pay day.”

  • The founder of telecommunications firm Odyssey Systems says the widespread adoption of home working by North East business due to the coronavirus lockdown will have beneficial and far-reaching consequences.

    Mike Odysseas predicts that, with the communications technology proving itself both reliable and user-friendly, companies will continue to embrace the concept of remote working once the pandemic has passed.

    Increased acceptance of teleconferencing and teleworking may also give businesses in the North East an advantage over their counterparts in London and the South East, where operating costs are higher, as the traditional emphasis on geographical location grows less important.

    Mike, who is managing director of the Stockton-based firm, said remote working will deliver a decrease in carbon emissions as fewer people are required to commute.

    With video and audio conferencing now an accepted way of communicating, there will be a reduction in the number of physical meetings with clients – allowing staff to spend less time travelling.

    Employees will also benefit from greater flexibility and an improved work-life balance while businesses make cost and efficiency savings while maintaining or even increasing productivity.

    Mike said: “The genie is out of the bottle in many respects and I believe businesses, which are already seeing the many advantages, will continue to embrace remote working.

    “In future, it may result in the demand for less office space as a proportion of staff work from home at any one time, reducing overheads.

    “This trend may also make business in the North East more competitive over their counterparts in other regions where operating costs are higher. With greater acceptance of communication via video or audio conferencing, geographical location is far less important.

    “The biggest benefit for both businesses and employees is time, which is a commodity that you can’t buy, and the time gained can be more efficiently and productively used.

    “Covid-19 is a disaster for both our society and economy but it has forced businesses to adapt and use technology to continue to function in what are very challenging conditions. Once this is all over, I believe those businesses that emerge will continue to take advantage of a whole new way of working.”

  • Unreliable internet connectivity has proved to be the number one IT headache for those working from home during the lockdown period, according to a poll by Odyssey Systems.

    However, despite the niggles, 52% said they would like to continue working from home, 33% for either all or most of the time – citing convenience or an improved work life balance as the main benefits.

    Of those working from home, only 5% said they had experienced regular IT issues, whilst 21% only experienced occasional problems and 21% having none whatsoever.

    The main problems cited were:

    • Internet connectivity (57%)
    • Virtual Private Network (VPN) (13%)
    • Accessing files (9%)
    • Poor quality laptop, desktop, or tablet (7%)
    • Other issues (5%)
    • Insecure network (3%)
    • Lack of training or access to IT support (3%).

    Mike Odysseas, founder and managing director of the Stockton-based telecommunications expert, said the results of the poll, which involved up to 3,488 people, revealed a seismic shift in attitudes towards remote working.

    He added that the ability to work from home had major social and financial benefits for staff and employers alike and, despite the last-minute rush by many businesses and organisation to instigate home working, the technology had proven reliable with most reporting no drop in productivity and some experiencing an increase.

    “The pandemic may have forced everyone apart, but technology was able to and reconnect businesses with their employees, customers and suppliers very effectively.

    “There were no major issues and most people were able to work as efficiently and productively, if not more so, from home as in the workplace.

    “The fact that most experienced only occasional or no issues at all is a tremendous testament to the success of this technology and that many of the issues encountered are easily and inexpensively solved.

    “For example, the majority of the 57% who reported problems with internet connectivity could solve them by switching to a provider, such as Odyssey Systems, providing a business-quality service, improve the quality of wireless equipment and ensure critical devices are hard-wired with priority over other devices.”

    The poll, conducted by independent market research company DRG at the start of this month, found that 52% of respondents said they would prefer to continue working from home in future if their job allowed. Just 28% said they would prefer to return to the workplace while 18% were undecided.

    Those who preferred to remain working from home said the main benefits were:

    • Convenience (35%)
    • Improved work life balance (34%)
    • Reduced transport costs (20%)
    • More efficient working process (10%).

    Most said they would like to spend the majority of their week working from home, with 16% completely and 17% for three fifths of the time) with 11% wishing to spend three tenths of their time at home.

    Just 6% said they did not wish to work from home, while 17% said they were unable to carry out their job at home and 30% said they were not in employment.



    CONTACT: Andrew Douglas 01325 363 436

    Photo: Mike Odysseas

    Editor’s Notes:

    Odyssey Systems provides supplies the highest quality products and services, including business telephone systems, business lines and calls, business internet and business domain names and website hosting, to about 1,300 companies, largely in the North of England.

    The firm was founded by Mike Odysseas in 1987 and has grown to be an employer of more than 30 people serving around 1,300 clients across the North of England, with the stability of owning its own premises and being debt free.

    Odyssey is structured primarily around its aim to provide the best customer service in the telecommunications sector, ensuring clients have the right product and service when they need it, and that Odyssey staff are always available to help. –

    Unreliable internet connectivity has proved to be the number one IT headache for those working from home during the lockdown period, according to a poll by Odyssey Systems.

    However, despite the niggles, 52% said they would like to continue working from home, 33% for either all or most of the time – citing convenience or an improved work life balance as the main benefits.

    Of those working from home, only 5% said they had experienced regular IT issues, whilst 21% only experienced occasional problems and 21% having none whatsoever.

    The main problems cited were:

    • Internet connectivity (57%)
    • Virtual Private Network (VPN) (13%)
    • Accessing files (9%)
    • Poor quality laptop, desktop, or tablet (7%)
    • Other issues (5%)
    • Insecure network (3%)
    • Lack of training or access to IT support (3%).

    Mike Odysseas, founder and managing director of the Stockton-based telecommunications expert, said the results of the poll, which involved up to 3,488 people, revealed a seismic shift in attitudes towards remote working.

    He added that the ability to work from home had major social and financial benefits for staff and employers alike and, despite the last-minute rush by many businesses and organisation to instigate home working, the technology had proven reliable with most reporting no drop in productivity and some experiencing an increase.

    “The pandemic may have forced everyone apart, but technology was able to and reconnect businesses with their employees, customers and suppliers very effectively.

    “There were no major issues and most people were able to work as efficiently and productively, if not more so, from home as in the workplace.

    “The fact that most experienced only occasional or no issues at all is a tremendous testament to the success of this technology and that many of the issues encountered are easily and inexpensively solved.

    “For example, the majority of the 57% who reported problems with internet connectivity could solve them by switching to a provider, such as Odyssey Systems, providing a business-quality service, improve the quality of wireless equipment and ensure critical devices are hard-wired with priority over other devices.”

    The poll, conducted by independent market research company DRG at the start of this month, found that 52% of respondents said they would prefer to continue working from home in future if their job allowed. Just 28% said they would prefer to return to the workplace while 18% were undecided.

    Those who preferred to remain working from home said the main benefits were:

    • Convenience (35%)
    • Improved work life balance (34%)
    • Reduced transport costs (20%)
    • More efficient working process (10%).

    Most said they would like to spend the majority of their week working from home, with 16% completely and 17% for three fifths of the time) with 11% wishing to spend three tenths of their time at home.

    Just 6% said they did not wish to work from home, while 17% said they were unable to carry out their job at home and 30% said they were not in employment.



    CONTACT: Andrew Douglas 01325 363 436

    Photo: Mike Odysseas

    Editor’s Notes:

    Odyssey Systems provides supplies the highest quality products and services, including business telephone systems, business lines and calls, business internet and business domain names and website hosting, to about 1,300 companies, largely in the North of England.

    The firm was founded by Mike Odysseas in 1987 and has grown to be an employer of more than 30 people serving around 1,300 clients across the North of England, with the stability of owning its own premises and being debt free.

    Odyssey is structured primarily around its aim to provide the best customer service in the telecommunications sector, ensuring clients have the right product and service when they need it, and that Odyssey staff are always available to help. –

  • The Stockton-based telecommunications company says businesses can easily switch from the outdated ISDN system in favour of SIP, which ensures continuity of productivity wherever their employees are via hosted telephony.

    This replaces traditional landlines which keep staff anchored to their office desk with a cloud-based system hosted remotely and connected via the internet.

    Odyssey Systems is advising businesses in the North East that they can follow the example of social media giant Twitter by allowing staff to work from home to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

    It says such capabilities will prove crucial in supporting the UK economy and maintaining services, should the country experience a significant outbreak of coronavirus.

    As well as current concerns over health, remote working is increasingly becoming a lifestyle choice – with the Office of National Statistics predicting that 50 percent of UK employees will be working remotely by the end of this year. Meanwhile, 90 percent of staff say they’d like to work remotely at least part time.

    Innovative and agile technology such as SIP deliver advanced remote working capabilities, video and web conferencing plus the flexibility to add or remove users without disruption or extra cost.

    Installing a hosted system is both easy and inexpensive and offers complete freedom by connecting staff in the car, at home or across multiple sites via desktop phone, laptop or mobile app – with the same functionality as an office-based system.

    Call quality is guaranteed to be superior than calling a landline or a user’s mobile and clients are unable to tell the difference if connected to a home extension and any issues over background noise are solved through the use of noise cancelling headsets.

    In a blog post, Twitter announced this week that it was mandatory for its staff in Hong Kong, Japan and South Korea to work remotely – while it was “strongly encouraging” its 5,000 employees around the globe not to come in as part of its strategy to prevent the spread  of the Covid-19 coronavirus.

    Mike Odysseas, founder and managing director of Odyssey Systems, said: “Modern technology makes it possible for any business to follow the lead of Twitter and allow their employees to work from home – or virtually any location, if required.

    “Such a capability could prove crucial to preserving the economy and maintaining services should the UK fall victim to a mass outbreak of coronavirus – but it can also save both businesses and their employees time and money.

    “Various studies have found staff who work from home are more productive and so remote working can have a really positive effect. We have grown used to working as part of a team in a fixed location but everyone can learn to work differently. I believe more and more businesses will adopt a more relaxed attitude towards remote working as cloud-based solutions grow and reshape every sector.”

  • Odyssey Systems has invested in a cost-effective electric vehicle charging station that has increased its charging capacity fourfold.

    The Stockton-based telecommunications company is now able to keep its four electric cars on the road much longer, thanks to the rapid charge technology.

    The installation of the charger – part of the company’s ongoing strategy to convert its entire fleet to electric – is also available for Odyssey staff to use, encouraging more to switch to hybrid or pure electric vehicles for their daily commute.

    The Rolec 22kW Quantum pedestal charger, installed by Hartlepool-based JDM Earth, can deliver up to a 90-mile range after just one hour’s charge, with a full charge taking between three and five hours.

    This is compared with an outdated EV charger already fitted at the Preston Farm premises that requires an entire day to fully charge just one electric vehicle – which previously severely limited the number of electric vehicles the company could operate.

    Andrew Middlemiss, finance director of Odyssey Systems said: “This really is a game changer as the business transitions towards creating a greener fleet of vehicles.

    “We were restricted by ‘range anxiety’ based on the length of time it took to achieve a full charge and the limited number of vehicles able to be plugged in.

    “This new charge point allows our salespeople to hit the road with sufficient range for a round trip to Leeds or Newcastle. It means electric vehicles are no longer at a disadvantage when compared with their petrol or diesel counterparts.

    “We’re keen to convert our entire fleet to electric, as it makes sense both for both the environment and our business, which is rapidly evolving in its aim to become carbon neutral.

    “Odyssey Systems is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and I hope that by investing in this charging infrastructure we can play a part in the growing trend towards a widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

    Jennifer Mullen, operations director of JDM Earth, said: “As an EV charging installation specialist, we are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of businesses installing workplace charge points.

    “As the technology continues to evolve, there has been a growing demand for electric cars, this is largely due to the upcoming tax incentives for electric company vehicles, cost efficiencies, the current subsidies available and also businesses looking to increase their green credentials.”

  • Tees Valley-based Odyssey Systems is helping to boost the productivity at PD Ports, one of the UK’s major port groups, with the completion of the final phase of a major telephony infrastructure project.

    Odyssey was tasked with streamlining PD Ports’ system to provide an end-to-end solution and improve connectivity across its multiple sites throughout the country.

    PD Ports previously worked with several suppliers to deliver its telephony requirements and the partnership with Odyssey allows it to be managed by one, locally-based supplier that has helped to reduce costs through measures implemented by the telecommunications firm.

    The complete overhaul of the service, which was completed over a two year period, given the complexity of the project with multiple providers previously involved, included the installation of a Mitel MiVoice business system, utilising PD Ports’ existing land connectivity and routers, so no further investment was required.

    The new system also provides a number of desktop and mobile-based apps to enhance employees’ internal and external communications, as well as allow them to see the presence of everyone on the network.

    Encrypted call recording is another feature that has been installed to provide additional security measures and to ensure PD Ports meets current regulatory requirements.

    Odyssey’s team of technicians also provided comprehensive staff training upon completion of the project, having worked closely with PD Ports’ entire IT team to implement the efficient measures.

    Jan-Willem Rikkerink, IT Director at PD Ports, said: “Working with Odyssey Systems, we’re now on a telephone system that fits our business requirements and will support our future growth.

    “Communication is a key element of our business and bringing all of our employees together on one system will ensure we can continue to provide the best service for our customers. Now that the systems are in place, Odyssey continues to provide great ongoing support and the projected cost savings are now being realised.

    Matthew Park, Sales Manager at Odyssey Systems, said: “Our work with PD Ports demonstrates our ability to deliver effective solutions on behalf of clients, regardless of size or complexity. We have worked tirelessly and effectively to deliver a system fit for one of the region’s leading businesses that will boost connectivity between its extensive workforce and sites across the country.

    “We are looking forward to building on this partnership with PD Ports and providing them with the technological tools to be able to service its customer more efficiently that will boost its productivity.” 

    Established in 1987, Odyssey Systems is an award-winning company and leading supplier of hosted telephony, cloud services and high-speed connectivity solutions to more than 2,500 customers in the UK.

  • A long-established manufacturer of hair and beauty care products is eyeing up expansion with the upgrade of its telecommunications system.

    Newton Aycliffe-based Tricogen Laboratories has invested in the new system to support its staff and connectivity between its site in the town and expansion into Sweden.

    Odyssey, a Tees Valley-based telecommunications and technology company, has worked with Tricogen for more than 10 years and installed the hosted telephony system. The upgrade has also supported staff’s flexible working as the sales team are able to access the system remotely using an app-based platform. 

    The installation will also support Tricogen’s future expansion as it aims to launch further sites and the hosted system will amalgamate and connect all current and new locations’ telecommunications and networks together.

    Established in 1946, Tricogen manufactures an extensive range of hair and beauty care products for customers operating internationally, including salon groups, celebrity hairdressers, specialist animal grooming suppliers and wholesalers to the professional hair and beauty trade. The company is headquartered at its 1.5-acre site on Aycliffe Business Park.   

    Neil Bagnall, Operations Director of Tricogen Laboratories, said: “We are committed to continued investment in our infrastructure and processes, which will support our long-term growth. We have worked with Odyssey for more than a decade, which has advised on and delivered effective solutions as technology has advanced to meet our bespoke requirements.

    “There is scope for future expansions with new locations and this latest enhancement to our system provides us with the connectivity and technology to support our ambitious aims.”

    Christine Gilbert, Director of Odyssey Systems, said: “We’ve enjoyed a longstanding partnership with Tricogen, supporting its technological needs as it continues to grow and develop as a global brand. The new system supports flexible working and dealing with customers remotely, while future-proofing the business in the event of expansion and strengthening the connectivity between Tricogen’s locations.”

    Established in 1987, Odyssey Systems is an award-winning company and leading supplier of hosted telephony, cloud services and high-speed connectivity solutions to more than 2,500 customers in the UK.

  • As well as keeping businesses talking, we do like to get out and about in the business community. 

    We are delighted to be attending the Northern Business Exhibition today and tomorrow in Manchester, which is a fantastic event that brings together so many professionals from across the North. 

    It has grown to become the largest business show in the North of England, and we are proud to be a part of it. 

    If you happen to be visiting over the next few days, feel free to drop by our stand and our team of professionals will be able to tell you all about Odyssey Systems and how we can support your business. 

  • Today (8th March 2019) marked International Women’s Day (IWD) and we were delighted to host a special event to commemorate the occasion.

    IWD is a United Nations initiative which celebrates the various political, social and economic achievements of women across the globe.

    We welcomed a host of local female business leaders, including many of our customers, to our HQ for one of our Ladies’ Breakfast events for a discussion on the initiative and why it is important to celebrate such events and champion women in business. You can learn more about our event by watching a short video here:

  • Stockton South MP Dr Paul Williams has further strengthened his ties with the small business community after visiting Odyssey Systems.

    Dr Williams MP visited the Preston Farm-based technology firm after initially meeting members of the Odyssey team at the Tees Valley Business Summit in the summer.

    During his visit to Odyssey’s head office Dr Williams was given a tour of the facilities, which includes a conference suite and technology demonstration area. The company’s internet services capabilities to clients were detailed to Dr Williams; due to the head office building’s height, it is able to increase the reach of Odyssey’s long-range high speed microwave links.

    Established in 1987, Odyssey Systems is an award-winning company with a workforce of more than 30, who support in excess of 2,500 customers with their technology needs.

    Elected as the MP for Stockton South at last year’s General Election, Dr Williams is keen to build relationships with the small business community – one of his pledges was to protect local jobs and support the regional economy.

    Dr Paul Williams MP said: Small and medium sized businesses across Stockton South underpin our economy and supply the majority of local jobs. I am so proud when I visit businesses such as Odyssey who are representing our area and through innovation are not only supporting other local businesses but really making a mark on their industry and collaborating with and helping other local companies. Teesside really benefits when businesses in our area work together and keep their spending local.

    “Meeting the Staff at Odyssey was a pleasure and I could see first-hand the passion they have for their work and the professionalism which has seen Odyssey win numerous awards.

    “I look forward to visiting more businesses in the area to learn more about them and what they need to succeed.”

    Christine Gilbert, Director of Odyssey Systems, said: “It was good to meet with Dr Williams after a positive, initial conversation at the Tees Valley Business Summit. We were keen to show him how we provide customer delight and supporting business of all sizes across Stockton and the tees valley with their technology needs.

    “Technology provides companies with the ability to make their workforce more flexible and increase productivity. Freeing people from the constraints of an office environment is the great revolution of our time. We provide systems to make this possible, yet keep the personal service that is so rare in these times of artificial intelligence and faceless corporations. Though business is becoming more global, local service is key to keeping it effective.”

    Christine added: “We are fully behind Dr Williams’ pledge of supporting local businesses operating within our area, and look forward to meeting with him again in the future.”

  • The Government’s Small Business Commissioner has outlined his plans to tackle late payments to small firms after meeting with several Tees Valley business owners at an event hosted by telecommunications firm Odyssey Systems.

    Paul Uppal highlighted how he is addressing the late payment issue for small businesses, which, collectively, costs £2.5bn each year at the event. It was attended by a range of businesses from different sectors, including Coles Solicitors, Erimus Insurance, Work Matters and Armstrong Richardson.

    Mr Uppal visited Odyssey’s Stockton head office as part of a wider visit to the region, where he met with business owners from across the North East.

    According to official figures, a third of payments to small businesses are late with the average value of each payment at £6,142. This has led to 20 percent of small businesses running into cash flow problems due to late payments.

    The office of the Small Business Commissioner was launched in December 2017 to ensure fair payment practices for Britain’s 5.7 million small businesses, support them in resolving their payment disputes with larger companies and bring about a change in payment practices between businesses and across sectors.

    Paul Uppal, Small Business Commissioner, said: “The issue of late payment is crucial as we estimate that over 50,000 small businesses go bust each year because of it. It is a huge impediment on business growth, and we have already had real, quality conversations with business owners from a range of sectors to help tackle the late payment issue.”

    Christine Gilbert, Director of Odyssey Systems, said: “As a major service provider to many small businesses, late payments can have a crippling impact on firms as cash flow issues can affect people’s jobs. It was good to learn more about the Commissioner’s role and commitment to addressing this problem, and I’m sure it was equally useful for him and his office after hearing from the small business community in Tees Valley and from across the North East.”


    Odyssey systems are delighted that we have managed to raise a significant amount of money in support of our new customer, Age UK Teesside!

    Louise Etherington, our business development executive, braved a sky dive last Saturday at Peterlee airfield, which brought in £500 of donations.

    On a glorious, sunny day, Louise, with the support of her instructor, Dick (who is 70 years young!), took on the challenge en-route to raising the funds for this deserving charity.

    We recently installed a new telephone system at Age UK’s Teesside offices and Louise’s efforts are a prime example that we are much more than a telecommunications company.

    Our team regularly engage with our customer base and build lasting relationships through the excellent service we provide, as well as by getting involved in customers’ enterprises and CSR initiatives.

    Louise well and truly flew the Odyssey flag at the weekend!

    Speaking about her charity sky dive, Louise said: “It was a terrifying experience, but one that I am so proud to have accomplished! Age UK is a fantastic charity that helps many people and I was keen to do something to support its work.

    “Dick was amazing and got me through it and I am over the moon to have raised £500. Many thanks to everyone who donated!”


    Well done Louise, fantastic effort!


  • Odyssey Systems is progressing with its investment plans as it reaffirms its commitment to clean energy.

    The Stockton-based telecommunications specialist is preparing the next phase of its head office development, which will see a large scale extension of its car park to accommodate electric vehicle charge points in preparation for a further investment in its fleet.

    Odyssey will also be expanding its fleet of vehicles for its technicians when it purchases new, 2019 Nissan Leaf electrical vehicles, once available, as part of the long-term investment.

    The company has embarked on its strategy to help future-proof the business and support its clients operating throughout the North East and beyond with effective transport solutions.

    Odyssey has also installed solar reflective film on the windows of its head office building as an energy saving measure, which reduces the reliance on air-conditioning by its workforce.

    In 2016, Odyssey invested in its new premises at Preston Farm, with an extensive fit-out and refurbishment, while also creating a further 20,000 sq.ft of space at the site to create fully-fitted offices for business tenants. The business park has several companies operating from it.

    Mike Odysseas, Managing Director of Odyssey Systems, said: “Once fully-operational, the results of our long-term strategy will further enhance the delivery of services to clients that will improve productivity. It is a significant investment that builds on our move to a new, fully-functional head office, while demonstrating our ongoing commitment to clean energy and minimising our carbon footprint.

    “This marks another exciting period in our company’s history as the site development and further investment in our transport fleet and new technologies will future-proof our operation.”


  • The team enjoyed a successful day of networking at the 7th annual Tees Valley Business Summit, at Teesside University.

    Odyssey was one of the 100+ exhibitors involved in the event, which we have continued to support over the years and has proven to be a great way to engage with fellow Tees Valley-based businesses and organisations.

    It was nice to catch up with many of our existing clients, who were also exhibiting on the day, and refreshing to meet some new faces and potential customers from some of Tees Valley’s thriving companies.

    Phoebe, Luke, Louise and Freya, our team on the ground at the Summit, also had the pleasure of meeting some of the region’s VIPs! We were delighted to welcome Tees Valley Mayor Ben Houchen to the Odyssey stand to give him an insight into our business and how we’re’ Keeping Business Talking’ across Tees Valley.

    The Mayor has done a fantastic job so far in post and his vision for Tees Valley aligns with our own. His speech at the event captured perfectly that the area is open for business with unemployment in the North East at its lowest and investment in the region at its highest, which is supporting local businesses.

    Here at Odyssey, we continue to follow this philosophy as we invest in new technologies and are always looking to create new jobs.

    Stockton South MP, Dr Paul Williams MP, was another dignitary who paid the team a visit and it was another good opportunity to discuss Odyssey with a key figure in the area.

    We always enjoy the Tees Valley Business Summit and we’re looking forward to supporting it again in the future, as well as other events in the region that help shout about the many successful companies operating in the North East.


  • Odyssey Systems is helping to support the expansion plans of Sam Turner & Sons after carrying out a major infrastructure project for the family-run agricultural merchant.

    The long established, family-run business required a robust solution for its telecommunications infrastructure that would link its centralised head office operation to each of its sites, including Sam Turner & Sons’ newest site in Leyburn which launched in February.

    Sam Turner & Sons currently operates out of four locations in the North East and North Yorkshire and the subsequent improvements to its telephony infrastructure will support its ongoing plans to launch further stores and add to its 180-strong workforce.

    Odyssey, which has a longstanding affiliation with Sam Turner & Sons since 2005, carried out a full scale review of the business’ previous system as well as a site survey.

    A full re-cabling was required to accommodate the installation of an upgraded, modern system by Odyssey’s team of engineers, which allowed Sam Turner & Sons’ employees to achieve full visibility, control and range across its locations. The maintenance and upgrade also provided a more economically viable solution as it reduced costs.

    Established in 1931, Sam Turner & Sons provides services for both the farming community and the general public.

    Charlie Turner, Director of Sam Turner & Sons, said: “The advantage of having an all-round system in place is paramount to the future growth and success of the company, as it is already helping to boost productivity gains and connectivity among our workforce across the North East and North Yorkshire. We do hope to expand with further stores, in line with the growth of our online side of the business.

    “Customer service is key to our business and the improvements made by Odyssey have allowed us to monitor calls more effectively and communicate with people better. We have continued to enjoy a positive relationship with Odyssey and will be counting on its support again as we expand in the future.”

    Mike Odysseas, Managing Director of Odyssey Systems, said: “We have enjoyed a longstanding working relationship with Charlie and Sam Turner & Sons for more than a decade, and our team have once again provided an effective solution to support its back office operation.

    “The business has diversified over the years and is much more than an agriculture merchant, so Sam Turner & Sons’ telecommunications needs have changed considerably, culminating in this latest upgrade. It was a large scale installation, with plenty of maintenance works, and is another demonstration of our vast capabilities.”

  • We were delighted to welcome the Bank of England’s North East Agent Mauricio Armenllini to Odyssey this week to be our key speaker at a special business breakfast.

    A group of Odyssey customers, including Armstrong Richardson & Co, Better Brand Agency, Charles Clinkards, Coles Solicitors, Jackson Law, Maguires Carpets, Sam Turners and Recognition PR came together to discuss the issue of productivity and how it is affecting their businesses and the wider economy.

    Mauricio gave an overview of the economy, the Bank of England’s monetary policy, inflation and the recent rise in interest rates, which opened up a discussion on the challenges and opportunities facing businesses.
    Productivity has been a key issue for the economy in recent years and guests discussed how the use of technology and improved processes are addressing productivity challenges in their business.

    Guests also shared the consensus of opinion that the region is well-placed to tackle the challenges and embrace the opportunities the economy is currently presenting as they have done in the past, to build resilient, growing businesses.
    Our Managing Director Mike Odysseas said: “We were delighted Mauricio could join us for our productivity breakfast. His level of knowledge is outstanding and he provided a real insight into what is happening in the economy, but he was also very keen to hear from the businesses around the table about what is happening on the front line of enterprise.

    “Inflation also proved to be a lively topic of conversation with businesses around the table keen on a sustained period of no inflation to enable us all to give our customers the best deals and control our prices. Raising interest rates is a way of controlling inflation, but the recent rise has made little impact so it will be interesting to see what the Bank of England does next.
    “However, while issues like inflation and, of course, Brexit concerning to businesses, improving productivity is a vital way in which businesses can counter some of those challenges. We are helping businesses through the use of new telecoms and internet technologies, which can enhance operations and it was interesting to hear from guests other efforts they are making to be more productive.”