Confused with the Voucher Scheme for faster Broadband?

Author: master

  • fibre_optic_broadband_large_634x306x24_expand_h8dac07c7

    Being twice winner of the North East Business Awards for Customer Service, we are very proud of how we communicate with existing and potential customers. We take a matter of fact view to our interaction; a no nonsense way of explaining what is best for their chosen communication route. No hidden agendas, no false promises.

    A recent government scheme has been introduced to enable eligible businesses access to better, quicker broadband. With the improvement of broadband connectivity, businesses will be able to have seamless contact to remote workers, video conferencing which will reduce travel time and expense, clearer and more reliable VoIP telephony and Cloud technology for storing and saving data.

    This is a great scheme for a totally free grant of £3,000 towards the investment of new infrastructure and improving your current internet connectivity.

    It really is great news. We, like many other telecommunication and IT specialists are registered as suppliers on a national database, and are busy helping businesses flourish by getting them technologically equipped for the rigors of having an online footprint and trading in the digital world.

    We have seen first-hand and been advised of various offers that have been made to potential customers regarding the scheme. Some of the offers are unethical and some totally fraudulent, such as ‘Cash Back’ and ‘Shared Ownership’.

    We thought we would clarify and bullet point what the essential facts are, so you can be clear on what you can get:

    • The voucher scheme is for installation of equipment only.
    • You have less than 250 staff.
    • You have not had 250,000 of government grants.
    • Offer a minimum of 20 Mbit/s services and capable of being configured/upgraded to support at least 30 Mbit/s services.

    You will not be able to offset any of the £3,000 on any on-going monthly charges for calls or services; this is purely for the infrastructure for broadband. You will have to commit to at least a six month broadband agreement with your supplier.

    You are not in one of the following sectors: fishery and aquaculture primary production, processing and marketing of agriculture products, coal, steel and shipbuilding.

    Part of our longevity in business has been sageness to claims that over promise and under deliver, so if you would like to have a no nonsense conversation with us, we will be able to de-mystify the scheme and clarify what you can and can’t get for your free £3,000.

    Or visit the Government website for more information by clicking here


    Telecommunications specialist Mike Odysseas is warning that a large proportion of businesses will be seriously affected by BT’s decision to switch off the ISDN network by 2025.

    Mike, who is managing director of Stockton-based Odyssey Systems, believes the lack of publicity surrounding this issue will lead to companies making considerable investment in telephone systems that will have a limited lifespan.

    The ISDN network has been the most common system of delivering phone lines for more than 20 years.  According to the most recent statistics from 2013, there were more than 3.2 million ISDN channels in the UK.

    BT has confirmed that it intends to migrate all customers on to an internet-based IP network in the next ten years. However, it has yet to make great strides in informing businesses of the change.

    With the growth of superfast broadband the pace of migration of IP-based telephone systems has increased dramatically with businesses benefitting from hosted-telephony delivered through the internet.

    However, Mike believes that more than 70 percent of businesses will be affected by the planned switch off.  This not only includes those already on the traditional platform, but also businesses investing in their operations or moving to new premises or that will be targeted by providers selling ISDN systems.

    Mike Odysseas said: “With very little information out there about the switch off there is a danger that businesses will spend money on a system that will become obsolete very quickly.

    “There will be providers still offering ISDN systems and without the right knowledge their customers will be sleeping walking into throwing their money away.

    “I believe there are around 70 percent of businesses that will be affected by this decision, which demonstrates how significant the impact will be on companies and concerning that this decision was only announced within a recent BT financial results announcement.

    “In business terms, ten years is not a long time and, in fact, the switchover will take a lot longer than expected so companies really need to start thinking about this now.  For example, a company with an ISDN system that has 120 users could take about six months to fully migrate across to an IP system.

    “While ISDN has served businesses well for many years, hosted telephony is the future and is an investment that will last firms beyond the ISDN switch off deadline and more likely another decade after 2025.”

  • Official figures this week show that the UK economy has grown by 0.3% in the first 3 months of 2015, which is a slowdown from previous figures but still a positive sign overall for the economy. The figures are in some way reflective of business in general and the need to be reactive to the environment in which business operate.

    Odyssey Scalable Telephone Systens

    The key word for telecommunications in business in a fluctuating market has to be Scalability. Being able to add to and at times, reduce your current telecommunication requirements easily is crucial to any business activity.

    Traditional telephone systems operate using an onsite box that means handsets are “stuck” not just to the geographic location they are installed in, but also a specific port in your office. The telephone handsets are just dumb units. If your requirements grow past the original specification you’ll need an expensive onsite engineer with more complicated hardware modules to gain space. Don’t forget of course, all of this often takes a long time.

    Hosted telephone systems flip things around. The onsite box is completely removed and intelligent handsets register with their provider via the internet. Want to move desks? No problem, just move that handset to a different wall socket and its identity will follow. New team member? Your supplier can simply post you a new handset for self-install. Opening a completely new office at the opposite end of the country? Hosted allows all handsets to operate as part of the same telephone system regardless of their geographic location. Hosted telephony offers scalability and flexibility that simply is not possible with traditional phone systems.

    Businesses will always be reactive to the external market that they are trading in, but with the right communications partner to work with, scalability in either direction is not only possible, but easy.

    If you want more information on telelphone systems scalability contact us call us on 01642 661800 or email

    P.S. It’s important to remember that with hosted telephony systems your calls are transported over the internet. Make sure that you always use high quality business grade connectivity, preferably from the same provider!

  • Running a successful department or business has many contributing factors, one of which is the well being of employees and the massive impact they have on the customer experience and ultimately the profitability of the business.


    There has been a changing trend for companies to recognise that getting the work – life balance right for its employees, can have a positive impact on individual’s attitude and ultimately the overall productivity in the workforce.

    It is a legal right for employees to request flexible working, and giving employees the option to work from home is one of the ways in which telecommunications, in particular unified communications can produce a happy workforce.

    Being flexible to employees gives them a sense of well being and creates loyalty to the employer. From allowing the lone parent to work remotely when their child is ill, to the senior executive who travels the length of the country Monday to Friday time to return home Thursday night and to work on Friday catching up on emails and administration.

    Having a trusted telecommunication partner to deliver your unified communications or UC, as it is also known, is crucial  to making flexible working work well, as unified communications is more than just having broadband, landline and mobile. It incorporates real time connectivity, such as extension mobility, instant messaging and telepresence, such as audio and video conferencing.

    UC makes it possible to make and receive calls from a business telephone number, which in practical terms takes away the difficulty of locating a contact number for that employee by the caller. By having single number reach, you have one phone number to contact that employee wherever they may be; in the office, working remotely or in transit between the two.

    If unified communications is something that you are considering here is our guide for the essentials:


    Getting the infrastructure right is essential for seamless flexible working. Here are our top recommendations:

    Business specification broadband with minimum 3mbps download and 1 mbps uploads.

      • Separate to data broadband
      • FTTC or Leased line is the best option for main office usage
    • IP desk phones for the office and off site location.
    • Windows or mac, PC or laptop with internet enabled WIFI or 3g.
    • Android or IOS – 3G, 4G, or WIFI needed on Smartphone for internet connectivity.


    If you would like to find out more about unified communications, call us on 01642 661800 or email


  • Odyssey-Coles 5


    Telecommunications specialist Odyssey Systems has installed a state-of-the-art communications system for a North Yorkshire law firm, linking its branches across the county to Odyssey’s own dedicated data centre.

    Previously Coles Solicitors, which has nine offices from Yarm to York and from Beverley to Settle, had independent systems which communicated via the internet.

    Odyssey put in multi-Protocol Label Switching, MLPS, which allows the firm’s sites to operate on the same system and communicate with each other via secure broadband and a single firewall and with a single phone system across all the sites.

    Three telephone servers located at three different sites have been replaced and the system is now served from Odyssey’s data centre.

    Odyssey has worked with Coles for several years as the law firm has expanded and opened new offices.

    Coles Managing Director Peter Gibson said: “Instrumental to that growth has been the technology we have from Odyssey, which has enabled us to grow at the rate that we have because the systems they put in place for us enable us to have complete connectivity between each of our branches, so each branch is in effect, part of our main office.

    “We run our business as one business, even though we are in nine locations. Because a lot of what we do is communication, the broadband and communication for all of our telephony and IT have been a key and integral part of our business and I can’t imagine our business operating without Odyssey.

    “We speak to them on a daily basis about issues, problems and future developments. Inevitably there are issues and problems but it’s how they are dealt with and managed which is the real differentiator between Odyssey and AN Other provider. I can’t praise them highly enough.  ’’

    The new system will also make it easier for the firm to expand and open new offices with greater ease of connection to telecommunications.

    Odyssey Systems Sales Director Christine Gilbert said: “The installation of MLPS allows for a more secure and faster system with greater capacity. It provides access to our call recording software and allows remote management from our office in Stockton, giving the client a seamless and efficient service.’’

    Peter Gibson added: “We would not be where we are today as a business with our breadth of geographic spread had our telecoms been managed by a faceless national provider rather than by using a local, independently-owned operator. They know the continued success of their business depends on the continued success of my business making us partners in the same enterprise.”

  • Business women election 


    A round table discussion involving Tees Valley business women, hosted by Odyssey Systems, believes a cut in business rates, business-boosting immigration policies and out-of-hours GP services should be top of the General Election agendas.

    The business women’s forum, which meets at the Stockton-based telecommunications company every two months, discussed what initiatives they would like to see adopted by the political parties in their manifestoes.

    The wide-ranging debate covered topics including:


    • Introducing out-of-hours GP services so business people can see a doctor without it impacting on their working day. A seven-day-a-week service also would take the pressure off A&E departments


    • Public sector services and departments drawing on private sector knowledge and principles


    • Capping welfare payment levels so it pays people to work rather than rely on benefits


    • Immigration restricted to people who want to work


    • Cutting business rates to rescue dying town centres by attracting retailers in to empty shops and to give small businesses the financial ability to grow and expand

    Christine Gilbert, Director of Odyssey Systems, said: “With the General Election fast approaching, the group felt it was timely to turn its attention to what business women would like to see adopted in election manifestos.

    “The forum presented an opportunity for women from a range of companies in Tees Valley to scrutinise election issues from a business perspective and identify those that they believe are vital to the area’s and the country’s economic wellbeing.

    “The top three issues, which emerged from the discussion, were reducing benefits to make work pay, the need for out-of-hours GP services so that seeing a doctor does not affect a business person’s productivity and how immigration is not necessarily bad for the economy if restrictions are introduced.”

  • Mike Odysseas and team gearing up for Myeloma uk

    Ian Brown and five friends from across Teesside and Durham are preparing for a 24-hour, 290 mile bike ride to raise funds for charity after his wife, Anne, was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma.

    The group, who met whilst competing in triathlons, hope to have already raised more than £10,000 for Myeloma UK when they set off from London on 9 May.

    Ian, along with Billy Lamb, Jimmy Croft, Vaughan Godber, Clive Hudson and Odyssey Systems’ managing director, Mike Odysseas, aim to arrive in Durham the next day after a gruelling journey.

    Cycling clothing has been provided by Odyssey Systems, the Stockton-based telecommunications company, to help the group battle the elements and stay warm throughout their journey.

    Anne was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma in December 2014, shortly after a visit to her GP due to exhaustion. Myeloma affects the plasma cells found in bone marrow, which are responsible for protecting the body from infection.

    Established in 1997, Myeloma UK is the only organisation in the UK focused on myeloma. Its research has accelerated the discovery, development and access to new treatments, while helping patients and their families cope with everything a diagnosis of myeloma brings.

    Ian said: “At the moment Multiple Myeloma can be treated but not cured. Hopefully the money we raise will help Myeloma UK fund its research into improved treatments and one day maybe a cure will be found.”

    Mike said: “The ride will be extremely difficult but we all know that it’s for a great cause, which helps families through difficult times. This will provide us with all the motivation we need when the going gets tough.”

    Donations to the team’s fundraising effort can be made at –

  • Unified Communications, put simply, is the integration of real-time communication such as IP telephony and web or video conferencing with non real-time communication services like email, voicemail and SMS.

    man drawing a network

    The term doesn’t describe a single product, but an umbrella of products that provide a consistent unified user interface across multiple devices and media types.

    ‘Unified Communications’, or UC as it is often called, describes the technology that enables both data and messages to reach the recipient, as quickly and simply as possible.

    This means we are able to contact anyone, anywhere in the world, in real-time.

    What are the benefits of Unified Communications?

    A message from a variety of sources can be brought to a single source

    • One number can be assigned to a person, reaching their mobile device, home telephone or office telephone system, allowing calls to follow the individual or push/pull between devices without the need to disconnect and reconnect.
    • Voicemail-to-email sends a voicemail audio file to the recipient’s email address.
    • A downloadable client allows click-to-dial functionality which is commonly used with email software and any web browser.
    • In a disaster recovery situation calls can be redirected to any number allowing business continuity

    Unified Communication is a method of getting important information quickly, regardless of the situation. UC can result in increased productivity as well as customer and employee satisfaction.

    What should you be looking for in a unified communications provider?

    •  A business class dedicated internet connection
    • A solution that can be easily adapted with the change of business needs
    • Quality of Service (QoS)
    • A security solution so that both your network, and devices are covered
    • Emergency back up and disaster recovery so that communications are still accessible in any situation.

    At Odyssey Systems, we can design and install a unified communications solution based on the specific needs of your business, just as we did for one of our other clients, PROACTIS. If you are looking for us to do the same for you, speak to one of our experts on 01642 661800 or email us at

  •  JBC


    The numbers have added up for a Tees Valley-based accountancy practice as it gears up for growth after becoming the first tenant at a newly-established Stockton business park.

    JBC Accountants has relocated its Stockton workforce to a new office complex in Preston Farm, which is owned by telecommunications firm Odyssey Systems, following a complete refurbishment of the 20,000 sq ft. property that has created new, fully-fitted offices for business tenants.

    JBC Accountants, which has offices in Hartlepool and Stockton, previously rented an office nearby in Preston Farm before meeting with Mike Odysseas, managing director of Odyssey Systems, to discuss JBC’s telecommunications and broadband requirements.

    Following the initial meeting and taking a tour of the new properties, JBC Accountants decided to relocate there, to meet its business requirements, as it was more suitable than other offices they had considered.

    Paul Riggall, director of JBC Accountants, said: “After meeting with Mike to discuss our telecommunications needs, we were shown around the newly-refurbished facilities, which had been carried out to a very high standard. From there, we became interested in one of the offices and Mike was very personable and understood our needs as we prepare to grow the business further.

    “The location is a massive improvement and we are already seeing a return on our investment as we have more of a presence and the profile of our firm is increasing, not to mention the positive response from clients and visitors. It was important for us to find a property that could provide us with a platform to service our future growth plans as we look to create even more jobs in the coming years.”

    JBC Accountants’ new 3,000 sq ft. office space will house its 17 strong workforce, who will benefit from Odyssey Systems’ telecommunications services, which includes hosted telephony and superfast internet speeds.

    Mike Odysseas said: “I am delighted that JBC Accountants has become our first tenant at our business park, which is a significant occasion for Odyssey Systems. Paul has exciting plans for the future of the firm and it is great that JBC Accountants has chosen our new development as the base for its Stockton office. I would like to wish him and his team all the very best.”

  • Cheap broadband may seem like a very tempting proposition when looking for internet connectivity for your business, but does it offer a false economy?

    As business owners, you probably understand the constant strive to keep costs to a minimum, whether it be for office equipment or essential services such as a telephone system and broadband. Cheap broadband from the telecoms giants such as BT, Sky and Virgin may seem like the easiest and most trouble-free option, however, it really isn’t. If like any typical business that has a high workload and that trusts they will have a fast and reliable service, selecting a cheap consumer broadband, or even a bargain business broadband deal can be a huge mistake that will cost you considerably more in the long run.

    woman typing on a keyboard

    Even in this day and age, businesses are still investing in broadband packages which are primarily designed for home usage only. This is only in the belief that it will be so much more cheaper, meaning that small business startups tend to go for this option over a suitable broadband package for the needs of their company. This is a seriously bad move as they are potentially damaging your business from the offset.

    Businesses who cut corners and take up the option of a lower cost, consumer or business broadband package are more than likely going to cause severe hold ups, such as poor connection speeds or severe lack of bandwidth. As you are most probably aware, bandwidth is very crucial, especially for businesses.

    Here are 5 problems of purchasing a cheap broadband package:

    1. Slow speeds 

    Of course, fast speeds are entirely important for businesses, and a decent broadband package will give you this over any cheap broadband package. If you’re looking to achieve high broadband speeds and an unhindered performance, then a broadband package like ours is designed to minimise contention ratio of your connection to the internet. Reducing the amount of users you have utilising your connection at any one time, your business will benefit from increased speeds when compared to those of any household broadband deal. Contention ratios are actually where cheap broadband lacks, as it will be typically high to reduce the price of the whole package. Can you imagine having to share your connection with more than one business? It would be a total nightmare!

    Man clenching his fists over a keyboard

    2. Low data limits

    High data limits are a must-have. If you’re looking to have the ability to stream video, share files and upload large files for clients, as well as VoIP; then you will need a large amount of data. A small allowance would be used up in no time if your business is sharing a lot of data on a daily basis.

    Cheaper broadband packages usually include low data allowances, again, purely just to make them lower in price. What they tend to do is match up fast speeds with ridiculous and impractical data limits, which obviously lessens the benefits for paying for increased speeds in the first place. Plus, in the inevitable instance that you were to use all of your data allowance, your broadband speed could potentially be slowed down so that it is extremely difficult to use. You may even find that they could slap extra charges onto your monthly bill!

    3. Bad customer service

    Broadband issues must be resolved quickly, especially when you have clients waiting for their work to be completed, for example. If you were to have technical difficulties with your broadband, then this is where these cheap packages become a false economy, as you will be forced to spend a lot of time on the telephone to you provider – usually on hold.

    In fact, these cheap broadband providers are pretty well-known for their disappointing customer service, which is the ultimate reason for spending that little bit more to ensure that you can have that reassurance of knowing that you can pick up the phone and receive excellent customer service with a trustworthy business broadband provider like us.

    4. Increased overage charges

    Sometimes broadband packages can result in significant outgoings, especially for a small business. We know that SMEs have to juggle a very tight budget at times and charges that spin out of control for a service such as this can be a real setback. Although you may think that automatically going for the cheaper broadband will save you money from your companies bank balance, it is more than likely that you will be faced with hidden costs further down the line.

    An example of these hidden costs can be overage charges, meaning that you will be charged a ridiculous amount of money for going over your data limits. Selecting the right data allowance package can prevent this from happening, so you need to ensure that when choosing provider, you go for the one that is going to take the needs of your business into account and create a bespoke package for you – just like we do.

    How does cheap broadband offer a false economy?

    5. Downtime 

    As mentioned, very high contention ratios, paired with terrible customer service, can in fact be detrimental to your service downtime, making your business much less efficient. Of course, as you may well know, any business relies on their broadband connection to keep their business ticking over. Sales, online work, customer service and companies that need to access work drives, their cloud, or even their Google Drive will all be affected if their broadband service fails to perform.

    Checking out your Service Level Agreement will keep you safe in the mind that your broadband will be repaired quickly if it were to fail at all. Ensure that you read all of the small print to see what is included, as well as the terms and conditions to prevent the risk of being left without access to the internet for a prolonged period of time.

    For more information on our superb deal that is bespoke to your business set-up and that performs exactly how it should, call us on 01642 661800, or drop us a line on

  • Put simply, Mitel is one of the leading communications solutions companies in the world. Offering a myriad of features and benefits such as call quality and value for money, they are pretty much unrivalled when it comes to desktop IT telephones. Let’s take a look at some of the advantages a system like this could have for your business…

    Who is Mitel?

    Mitel business phone systems cover a wide range of digital and IP phones, conference telephones, consoles, and peripherals suited to businesses ranging in size, and span across countless industries and sectors. Having one of the market’s most comprehensive portfolios of products solidifies their place as an industry leader. Mitel phones are not only offer advanced features and functionality, but are also very simple to use for all employees within your business.

    Mitel 5360 telephone odyssey systems


    What are the advantages of using a Mitel phone system?

    There are so many advantages of using a top of the range telephone system like this. Not only is it the most utterly bombproof and reliable system bar none, it also continues to work without reboots unlike any other system on the market. Here are just some of the key reasons to invest in telephony like this:

    • Efficiency – There are a plethora of added features on a Mitel phone system that will give your employees the opportunity to work smarter. As the systems come with multiple features such as auto attendant and unified messaging, this ensures that call handling is much easier than ever before. Another key feature, ‘Presence’, has the intelligence to locate someone that is available to answer a call at the time – whether they are inside or outside the office.
    • Cost-effective – The initial purchase of a complete business telephone system can be costly, however, the advantages of a Mitel system will help you tighten your budget in the long term. Utilising just one network for both data and communication requirements, this will greatly reduce call costs, which is ideal for organisations that operate from multiple locations.
    • Productivity – Increasing productivity is crucial within any company, and a Mitel system can help you do this. Being straightforward and enjoyable to use and manage, calls can be handled competently, saving time in the long run. With Mitel, you can be safe in the mind that all calls can be answered, and with a single number and mailbox system for every individual, it takes the hassle out of telephony.
    • Enhances customer experience – Customers can be diverted to their desired point of call through Mitel’s automatic call distribution feature. There is also the ability to apply pre-recorded messages so that callers can be diverted to the correct department or person they require at any given time. Not only does this increase customers’ reliability but it also gives a more professional appearance to your business.
    • Saves time for intelligent working – If you want to work remotely, then this is something you can do easily, allowing you to take your work wherever you want. ‘Hotdesking’, teleworking and twinning are also great features offered by Mitel. ‘Twinning’ prevents important calls from being missed and will give employees the freedom to move around the office, routing their preferences to any IP enabled telephone handset within the building.
    • Flexibility – Mitel provide many different types of telephone solution and are equipped to service all businesses sizes, from SMEs to large enterprises. These bespoke solutions allow your staff to work outside of the office, driving real efficiency within the organisation. Dynamic extension is an excellent feature that will stop you worrying about the availability of your staff, granting them the privilege of being a lot more flexible with their time. Up to eight different devices can be linked to just one phone number, so customers will be able to contact an employee without having to dial numbers for every single department.

    For more information on how Odyssey can transform your business telephone system with a Mitel solution, as well as the different models that are available, give us a call on 01642 661800, or drop us a line on

  • Mike Odysseas Managing Director of Odyssey Systems

    Odyssey Systems, the Teesside-based telecommunications specialists, is expanding its operations after acquiring a new building in Stockton-On-Tees.

    The company has purchased the building opposite its existing head office on the Preston Farm Industrial Estate, which has quadrupled its available space.

    In addition to utilising more space available in the two buildings, Odyssey Systems can make up to 20,000 square feet available to create new, fully-fitted office for a single or multiple business tenants.

    Odyssey’s expansion will enable the company to increase its workforce to meet the growing demand for its services.  The company currently employs 32 people and aims to create an additional eight new jobs.

    The company will use some of the additional space to introduce a dedicated video conferencing suite and a technology demonstration area.  Odyssey will also create a new stock and technology storage facility, which will hold the complete telephone systems and replacement parts for both current and past models.

    The new building, which was the former home of housing group Vela, will also enhance the company’s internet services to its clients.  Due to the building’s height, Odyssey will increase the reach of its long-range wireless high speed leased line signals, which can extend to a range of 30km.

    Mike Odysseas, Managing Director of Odyssey Systems, said: “The addition of the new building to our existing facilities will create the extra capacity we need to enhance the services we offer our customers and create new employment opportunities.

    “We have experienced steady growth throughout the last year, which this investment will help us build upon during 2015.”

    Mike added: “Having the two office buildings next door to each other enables us to be more flexible with our use of space and also create new offices for other businesses which can benefit from the infrastructure we’ll introduce including hosted telephony systems and gigabit internet speeds.”



  • 4G has been around for some time now. It is the latest generation of mobile internet technology. With coverage improving around the UK, we’re beginning to see mobile providers offering packages specifically targeted at replacing traditional fixed line connections. But is it really viable option for business and what are the pitfalls?

    Here is what you need to consider:

    • Location – masts in major towns and cities are being upgraded to 4G first. If you’re a bit further out 4G may not be an option at all.
    • Bandwidth – In theory 4G will deliver 300Mbps download. In reality even with full signal you’ll rarely see more than 80 Mbps. There are no guarantees. The bandwidth you’ll get depends entirely on your distance from the nearest mast and on the level of environmental interference. 
    • Contention – Ever been to a football stadium, had full 4G signal but still had a painfully slow internet experience?  This is because 30,000 people are trying to use a fixed amount of capacity. 4G network providers do not publish their “contention ratios” or their capacity, so you’ll have no guarantees as to what will happen when the network gets busy.
    • Data Transfer – 4G packages have a very low data transfer limit and if you use it all up they slow down your connection considerably for the rest of the payment period or raise heavy over quote usage charges.
    • Fixed Public IP – If your business needs to do anything more technical than basic email and web browsing a fixed public IP address is usually essential. With the vast majority of 4G providers this is simply not an option, and they will issue your connection a dynamic IP address that changes all the time. No good if you’re looking to remote desktop to the office from home or check your IP CCTV cameras etc…
    • Hardware – To use 4G on your office network you’ll need a device that converts 4G in to a WiFi or wired Cat5 connection. 4G mobile providers typically force you to use their supplied equipment which limits the number of internal devices you can connect. In addition, you’ll really struggle to setup more advanced local network features that you might be used to.
    • Upload Bandwidth – Bear in mind that 4G won’t deliver a synchronous connection. This means the upload speed will be much lower than the download speed. Certainly a consideration if your business sends large files such as images, CAD drawings and project files.
    • Backup – If you’re using the supplied hardware from the mobile provider there is no backup option for you when their network has planned or unplanned downtime.
    • Support – If you have a problem or things aren’t going to plan, you’ll benefit from the same level of support that you’re used to from your mobile phone provider.

    In conclusion there are circumstances where 4G is a viable option for business connectivity, however we feel all of the above items need to be carefully considered.  There are many other technologies that will deliver similar speeds at similar cost without the downsides.

    Odyssey Systems have a team of experts in the North East with experience built over 28 years of trading. Call Matt on 01642 661808 to discuss the many options available for you such as:

    • ADSL
    • FTTC
    • Bonded ADSL
    • EFM
    • Microwave
    • Ethernet Leased Line
  • Heard any horror stories about SIP trunking and VoIP recently? We have. What at first looked like it was going to be the next big thing is now proving, for some, to be one to avoid. But what’s the truth behind all of the hype? Matt from Odyssey investigates…

    woman pressing a VoIP conference call telephone

    Firstly let’s go back to basics…

    SIP stands for Session Initiation Protocol and is basically a clever way of using your internet connection; it means you can use it for new and whizzy things including making and receiving phone calls. SIP Trunking allows companies to use the internet to communicate beyond their own internal network, and supports voice and video services such as VoIP.

    With the internet being as powerful as it is, VoIP was really the next logical move for telecoms. Named aptly, “Voice Over Internet Protocol” works on an essentially simple concept: telephone systems operate over the internet instead of, well, telephone lines. Despite earning itself a bad name.

    VoIP brings with it loads of slick new features and levels of convenience that a regular telephone line could only dream of. Firstly, the internet is a powerful tool and one that means we’re pretty much backed up where ever we are – VoIP systems are disaster-proof in the sense that, if your office building burned down, the only thing you’d need to restore your phone line is a decent internet connection. Now where would you possibly find one of those? Plus, it makes all of those tricky areas of work really easy and efficient, like working from home, or setting up big conference calls.

    Using the internet for phone calls removes a ton of barriers that usually stand in the way of communication. We can now speak to anyone, anywhere in the world, at a fraction of the cost. We can see which of our employees is talking to who right on the screen of our phone. It’s slick, it’s efficient and it’s definitely a step forward into the future of telecoms technology.

    This all sounds great – so why exactly does VoIP have such a bad rep? Let’s break it down. There are two potential issues with trunking for VoIP. Firstly, VoIp is usually sold as a cost saver, which means that it is used for both general internet usage and IP telephony; however, it should be sold as an enabler.  Having your phone lines on top of your normal internet usage places additional demands on your bandwidth – especially your upload bandwidth, and if provision hasn’t been made for that, you might find you reach the capacity of your network. 80% of small businesses use ADSL to connect to the internet, meaning that upload becomes a limited factor, and this is just not suitable.

    Man attaching network cable

    Secondly, if you hit that capacity, it means there will not be enough bandwidth to do what you’re asking. Typical issues with this are one way audio, broken audio, and even echo.  Meaning, that all familiar scenario – the internet has failed us and things grind to a halt. It’s a nightmare. With VoIP, this situation is made even worse due to the fact that your telephone systems go down too. Bad news for any business.

    You should always put in two broadband connections for the most efficient system. Don’t ever think about installing just one broadband connection as a failsafe, as mixing voice traffic with data traffic is a big no no. Implement two entirely different systems will ensure that you have a fully functional business telephone system.

    Too often we’re coming across VoIP installers who do not consider these two potential issues in setting up their client’s VoIP systems. The customers then go on to find it to be unreliable and even downright damaging. What’s worse, in order to fix the issues they are facing a whole load of unexpected extra cost in order to expand their bandwidth and possibly even introduce a second broadband line.

    The crux of the matter is: if VoIP is implemented correctly, and not in a haphazard way that neglects the issues discussed above, it can be a really empowering tool. For example, at Odyssey, when we install VoIP telephony, we do so on two separate connectivity, so that if one goes down, phones remain active. It’s all about seeing the system as something that will bring with it seriously advanced features, not one that is a cost-saving tool only.

    It may all seem a little daunting, but with the right expertise VoIP could be the perfect choice for your business. At Odyssey, we’re always advocates of the things that will truly help businesses in their mission to communicate, which is why we believe VoIP shouldn’t be written off. Give us a call to give it a chance – we’ll make sure you find out everything you need to know. Just be sure that we would never sell you this service as a money saver like most of our telecoms competitors, but as a system that will enable you to run your business as effectively as possible with no down time.

    For more information on our services, please give us a call on 01642 661800, or browse our business phone lines and calls page.

  • In part two of our blog series on how to best utilise telecoms in business, we’ll be looking at the latest telephone system technology, telecoms training and what to do when things go wrong.

    1. Making the most of telephone system usage statistics 

    Mike Odysseas, Odyssey Telecoms ProvidersMonitoring telephony stats will increase your chances of making savings and reducing waste. Which staff or departments are taking too long to answer the phone? Instead of hiring more staff, monitor average call length and take steps to bring it down. Spot trends in busy periods, and adjust shift patterns to suit. Monitor line usage and scale up or down as required. Advertise a different DDI (Direct Dial In) telephone number on your marketing activities to track return on investment. Spot how many missed calls you’re receiving, at what time and to whom. Why not build a set of telephony KPIs and display them on a wallboard in the office – you’ll soon find staff start managing their own telephony practices. At Odyssey, we offer a web portal that allows our customers to monitor phone usage at the click of a button. 

    2. Utilising the latest telecoms technology

    • We like to keep up with the latest technology so that you can keep ahead of your competitors. Simple. Here’s some of the good stuff we’re offering at the moment:
    • Any Number, Anywhere: with the adoption of VoIP (telephone calls over the internet), numbers from any area code in the UK, or even any country in the world can be delivered anywhere with no redirection fees.
    • Remote Handsets: desktop handsets installed in a completely different geographic location to your business telephone system that present and ring with your office telephone numbers.
    • Linked Sites: turn multiple sites into one fully integrated telephone system.
    • Mobile Extensions: forget having three different telephone numbers. Advertise a single telephone number that will reach you on your desk phone, mobile or laptop wherever you are in the world.
    • CTI: Computer Telephony Integration bridges the gap between your phone and PC. Automatically open a customer account in your CRM when they ring, or prompt staff to update records after a call has completed.

    3. Training your team in telephony

    At Odyssey we’re believers in the power of education. We offer free training for all of our customers, not just when their telephone system is first installed, but ongoing to make sure everyone is kept in the loop. There are hundreds of powerful features in telephony that can really help your business function, but as a starter for ten ensure staff can complete the following: blind transfer, attended transfer, call parkiOdyssey telephone providers for businessng, call pickup, monitor, barge, conferencing, call forwarding, DND, and voicemail. Fully trained staff means quick, efficient handling of calls, which means avoiding time and money wastage. Simple. 

    4. Having a backup plan

    Technology is fantastic; it’s what makes what we do possible, but as a fact of life we need to be prepared for failures and glitches. Things can go wrong for all sorts of reasons; power surges, power loss, damage to external cabling, accidental cancellation of required services – the list goes on. At Odyssey, we make it our responsibility to provide help when it’s needed. We have fully trained engineers at hand, and are always stocked with the hardware needed to replace any part (even for equipment that’s long since been discontinued by the manufacturer). For power, we’d recommend running your telephone system and associated equipment via an uninterruptible power supply or UPS. There are loads of measures like these that you can take to ensure you have the best chance of avoiding trouble. We’re happy to advise you on all of them and, of course, be there when you need an expert hand. 

    When it comes down to it, it’s important not to disregard telecoms as a minor part of any business. With the right attention to detail and good advice from experts that care about your business, telecoms can perform at optimum level to ensure communication never fails. 

  • We know that communication is an essential part of business. It’s what makes things tick and progress; it lets ideas develop and achievements be made. That’s why we’ve compiled this two-part blog giving advice on some techniques to make the most out of telephone systems in business. It’s simple stuff that everyone should be doing. 

    1. Choose the right business telephone provider, and stick with them Odyssey Business Telephone Systems

    Communication is the life blood of business. Therefore, choosing the right supplier is, well, kind of a big deal. Plus, trusting your business telecoms to more than one supplier could introduce confusion and, in turn, wasted money and time. Ever experienced an issue where fingers are always pointing somewhere else? Dealing with a single supplier for your telephone lines, calls, system and connectivity allows you to assign ownership and clear responsibility for ensuring your business remains connected. At Odyssey we take the time to get to know where a business has come from, where they’re going, what their challenges are and where they need support. 

    2. Think hard about who will choose your telecoms system  

    Procuring the right telephony is an art, especially when you think of telecoms as an essential back bone to your business. With this in mind, it’s all about thinking really hard about who’s going to be assigned the job. The best bet is to choose someone that is motivated by value, not cost. Someone able to gather information from experts in their field, and make an informed decision. Of course, at Odyssey it’s our job to help that person, whoever they may be, every step of the way with comprehensive advice.

    3. Be aware of nasty billing tricks

    At Odyssey, we believe in simplicity. We strive to make everything as clear as possible for our customers because it makes their lives easier and, well, ours too. This, however, is not the case for every telecoms supplier. It’s essential to keep your eye out for a few nasty tricks that could be costing you money when it comes to billing:

    • Call connection fees
    • Large minimum call charges
    • Capped rate call packages
    • Per minute rounding, call commitments
    • Bundled minute packages
    • Out of bundle usage charges
    • Existing contract buyouts and non direct debit payment charges

    4. Control phone usage with tailored access and call destinations

    Odyssey Systems Phone Providers for BusinessThere’s no harm in introducing restrictions to phone usage in your business. In fact, there are tonnes of benefits to be gained from doing so. Let’s take a minute to reflect. Is there really an excuse for spending £3.50 to a118 number when a quick Google would have done the job? At Odyssey, we know how frustrating it can be when spending rockets because of extortionate rates. That’s why we inform our customers when they’ve made a premium rate call. We’re also happy to bar destinations at network level, and to set up a “class of service” to limit which handsets or members of staff can make calls to high cost destinations.

    5. Get savvy to bundled minute packages 

    A surefire way to save on telecoms spending is to make sure that bundled minute packages align with actual minute usage. It’s a supplier’s dream when 80% of their customers use less than 20% of their minutes. Yet most of us opt for large bundles for the sake of having peace of mind (“I’ll never go over that number of minutes.”) This often results in a load of minutes sitting there unused, every month. A good way to tackle this is to take a look at the average of the last three months of your business’s bills and do a rough calculation on what minutes are going where. Voila – with this new knowledge you’re already better equipped to choose a bundle package that isn’t ladened with stuff you don’t need.

    Until part II, remember –  it’s all about taking small measures to feel big benefits from your business’s telecoms.