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Author: master

  • OFAAn early scare wasn’t enough to dishearten an emphatic Odyssey team, with a remarkable goal scoring performance from Lee Dowle enabled the team to come from behind to defeat Advanced Vehicle Leasing 6 – 4.

    After all of the meticulous planning within the office around the teams formation, it seemed that everything was over within the first 10 minutes.

    Advanced Vehicle Leasing took to an early, deserved 3 – 0 lead, with the Odyssey team struggling to find any momentum – their 2nd goal was particularly “peachy” with a shot on the volley going into the top corner, past Rog, who was literally rooted to the spot.

    A quick shuffle of the formation, with James Hay moving to the left, along with McKenna dropping back to play down the right side and Dowle pushing up front, meant things started to swing in their favour.

    Details are sketchy, but Dowle certainly pulled the first goal back for Odyssey, followed shortly by the player again (though the majority of the office think it was Sowerby).

    The comeback was complete was when Dowle scored the 3rd goal for Odyssey, after some fantastic passing movement in the centre of the park.

    New and Walters covered the back very well, with Hay defending the left flank, minimising the attacks from Advanced Vehicle Leasing’s star man, Clarke.

    Walters lived up to his captaincy very well, barking orders left right and centre, which kept the team’s structure intact.

    With the momentum behind Odyssey, some incredible team play between McKenna, Dowle, and Sowerby broke down the Advanced Vehicle Leasing’s defence to put them in front.

    Some further pressure from AVL was broken down well, with the defence of Walters, Hay, and New throwing their bodies on the line to block shots from all angles, as AVL started running out of ideas.

    A setback for AVL then occurred with one of their players getting hit in a place we would rather not mention, meaning he had to play in goal. Odyssey ruthlessly capitalised on this with Dowle scoring the 5th.

    A late rally from AVL, with a sublime goal from Howard made for a nervy few last minutes for the Odyssey team, but the game was put to bed with the last kick of the game, when McKenna got himself on the score sheet to make the game 6 – 4.

  • 10 Business Telecoms Mistakes

    1. Falling for Bundled Minute Packages

    Telecoms suppliers love bundled minute packages because 80% of their customers use less than 20% of their included minutes. True value from bundles can only be achieved by using almost exactly the amount of minutes included (but let’s face it, most people buy bundles so they can completely forget about paying attention to call spend all together). Get it wrong by using too much, and you’ll pay extortionate out of bundles rates. Oh and are 0845’s included? Are the minutes included per line, or per account? Bundles introduce confusion, complexity and the opportunity for telecoms suppliers to catch you out. In the telecoms world, if it sounds too good to be true then it usually is.


    2. Assigning Telecoms Responsibility to the Wrong Person

    Far too often procuring telephony is thought of as just another “on or off” utility, however get it wrong and you could find your business in the dark for weeks. Get it right, and telecoms could help develop many areas of your business giving you the edge over your competitors. Only a handful of large corporations have job roles dedicated to management and delivery of their telephony. So for the rest of the business world, where should responsibility lie? With your accounts or IT manager? It’s not just a stereotype, but nine times out of ten a person working in an accounts role will succeed in finding the cheapest deal. But is the cheapest deal the right deal? A person working in IT will no doubt buy the flashiest bit of kit, but will it be configured to add any value to your business? Ultimately, a decision this significant should be made by someone with a detailed understanding of your businesses challenges and opportunities for the foreseeable future. Someone motivated by value, not cost. Someone able to gather information from experts in their field, and make an informed decision.


    3. Overlooking Nasty Billing Tricks

    Next time you sign up for a landline call package, keep an eye out for these nasty tricks often used to increase the charges on your bill: Call connection fees, large minimum call charges, capped rate call packages, per minute rounding, call commitments, bundled minute packages, out of bundle usage charges, existing contract buyouts and non direct debit payment charges.


    4. Dealing with Multiple Suppliers

    Communication is the life blood of business. Trusting your business telecoms to more than one supplier introduces confusion, unnecessary complexity and countless opportunities for things to go wrong. Ever experienced an issue where fingers are always pointing somewhere else? Dealing with a single supplier for your telephone lines, calls, system and connectivity allows you to assign ownership and clear responsibility for ensuring your business remains connected. Find someone who will visit your office and ask questions. Where has your business come from, what are your challenges and what are your plans over the next few years? If your telecoms supplier has not asked these questions then how can they possibly understand what’s right for you?


    5. Allowing Staff Free Reign with Calls

    Directory enquiries, premium rate and personal calls can drastically inflate your business phone bills. Is there really an excuse for spending £3.50 to a 118 number when a quick Google would have done the job? Define an acceptable use policy within your business for telephony usage or you’ll continue to sign blank cheques. If you’re still struggling to bring costs under control, find a provider who will bar destinations at network level, or ask your business telephone system maintainer to setup a “class of service” to limit which handsets or members of staff can make calls to high cost destinations.


    6. Not Making Use of Statistics

    Almost every telephone system in the market place can deliver statistics to help you run your business, and it’s surprising how few people use them. Which staff or departments are taking too long to answer the phone? Instead of hiring more staff, monitor average call length and take steps to bring it down. Spot trends in busy periods, and adjust shift patterns to suit. Monitor line usage and scale up or down as required. Advertise a different DDI telephone number on your marketing activities to track return on investment. Find out which of your customers are taking up the majority of your customer service teams time. Spot how many missed calls you’re receiving, at what time and to whom. Why not build a set of telephony KPIs and display them on a wallboard in the office – you’ll soon find staff start managing their own telephony practices.


    7. Being Unaware of New Technologies

    It’s not just the mobile telephone world that has developed new technology over the last few years. There have been plenty of developments and innovations in traditional landline telephony. Your competitors are probably taking advantage of them, so perhaps it’s time you did too?


    • Any Number, Anywhere – With the adoption of VoIP (telephone calls over the internet), numbers from any area code in the UK, or even any country in the world can be delivered anywhere with no redirection fees.
    • Remote Handsets – Desktop handsets installed in a completely different geographic location to your business telephone system that present and ring with your office telephone numbers.
    • Linked Sites – Turn multiple sites into one fully integrated telephone system. Dial internal numbers and pay no redirection fees. Have full visibility on the status of every handset across your organisation, regardless of where they are.
    • Mobile Extensions – Forget having three different telephone numbers. Advertise a single telephone number that will reach you on your desk phone, mobile or laptop wherever you are in the world.
    • CTI – Computer Telephony Integration bridges the gap between your phone and PC. Automatically open a customer account in your CRM when they ring, or prompt staff to update records after a call has completed.


    8. Training your Team on Everything but the Telephone

    Make sure you cover telephony as part of your induction process with new staff. There are hundreds of powerful features that can really help your business function, but as a starter for ten ensure staff can complete the following: blind transfer, attended transfer, call parking, call pickup, monitor, barge, conferencing, call forwarding, DND, and voicemail. Cover your acceptable use policy for calls, and set expectations for answer time, standard greeting script and usage of the above features. If you’re not sure yourself, ask your telephone system provider to pop down and spend 30 minutes going over everything.


    9. Leaving Things Too Late

    Many actions in the telecoms world are time sensitive; drop the ball and you’ll find yourself playing catch up or incurring unnecessary expense. Acquire your telephone system via a lease? Don’t forget to notify the leasing company of your intentions a couple of months before expiry or you’ll end up paying secondary rentals. Porting of landline numbers between providers is a black art, and can take anywhere from a few days to a few years (if it’s possible at all)! Don’t forget to record your holiday message and upload it on to the telephone system. If you need your supplier to do this for you, give them a couple of days’ notice at least. Moving premises? Start talking to telecoms suppliers way sooner than you would think is required, a couple of months is best to make sure everything happens as smoothly as possible. Analogue lines can take between two to three weeks to go live. Broadband to go on top will take another 10 working days (unless you’re able to get a simultaneous provide where both go live at the same time). ISDN2 lines will take four to six weeks, and an ISDN30 will take eight to ten weeks. Throw an MBORC in to the mix (Matters Beyond Our Reasonable Control –BT Openreach declare these whenever there is really bad weather), and the standard lead times go out of the window.


    10. Having No Backup Plan

    Technology always fails. If you’ve managed to escape any form of communications’ down time in the past few years, you’re in the minority. Here are our top reasons why things go wrong:


    • Theft of copper cable between the local exchange and your business premises.
    • Flooding of underground ducting or local telephone exchange.
    • Accidental damage of external cabling due to construction work.
    • Power surges and total power loss.
    • Complete or partial failure of local telephone system, handsets, routers, switches and cabling.
    • Deliberate or accidental cancellation of required services.
    • Planned maintenance.
    • Poorly planned migration to new suppliers.
    • Loss of service due to upstream suppliers entering administration or failing to pay their bills.


    Your ability to access effective support with a predictable amount of effort and time can make all the difference. So first on the agenda is making sure you’re working with a single supplier who will take responsibility when you need help. How long could your business survive without telephones or internet access? Can a reseller of a reseller truly look after you as well as a tier one provider? If your lines go down, where should your network supplier redirect calls to? Will a single mobile phone do? To cover hardware failure, any system maintainer worth their salt should maintain a stock of hardware to replace any part that’s required to keep you up and running (even for equipment that’s long since been discontinued by the manufacturer). Having the spare part however, is only one piece of the puzzle. Access to fully trained engineers with detailed knowledge of your business, telephone system and its configuration is just as important. For power, consider running your telephone system and associated equipment via an uninterruptable power supply or UPS. A UPS includes components to protect devices from power surges, and battery packs to supply enough power to keep things running for short periods of time without mains supply. Spending just five minutes understanding your options before things go pear shaped can save you so much trouble. If you’re out of your depth, lean on the experts and come up with a plan together.


    FlowerRoses are red violets are blue,

    That’s what they say but it just isn’t true,

    Roses are red and apples are too,

    But violets are violet, violets aren’t blue,

    An orange is orange, but Greenland’s not green,

    A pinky’s not pink, so what does it mean?

    So imagine our surprise, when suddenly appeared,

    5 bunches of flowers, for Odyssey peers,

    But who were they from? The flowers all alike,

    If I could hazard a guess I’d say it was…






  • North East Business AwardsOdyssey Systems are proud to announce that we have been shortlisted for the service Award category at the Teesside heat of the North East Business Awards 2013.
    The service award recognises professional service organisations that have demonstrable strength in the following areas:

    • Service Excellence
    • Service differentiation
    • Business Growth
    • Innovation

    The Teesside business awards will take place on Thursday 14th March 2013 at Teesside University, Middlesbrough, with the winner automatically entered for the North East Business Awards Regional Final 25 April at Hardwick Hall.

    To follow Odysseys progress on the night, follow us on twitter and we will keep you updated. https://twitter.com/OdysseySystems

  • Image of snow on white carThousands of people across the country will be phoning their place of work this week to tell their employer’s that they unable to come to work. This scenario will be faced by many businesses over the coming weeks, cost millions of pounds in lost time and revenue. But what is the cause of this mass abandonment of desks?

    The weather, I hear you cry!

    During this bout of recent bad weather, phones will be ringing of the hook with employees offering a multitude of excuses for not being able to attend work. “I’m sorry i’m snowed in”, “the weather conditions are too bad to travel in”, or “My children’s school is closed, I have no child care”, all legitimate problems faced by the daily commuter.

    However there is a solution, why not make it possible for your staff to work from home?

    Advances in modern communications technology have made working from home as easy as working from the Office.

    An Odyssey business telephone system can make it possible for your staff members to have extensions at home linked to the office telephone system, or calls can be diverted or transferred to their mobile.

    The same principal applies if nobody can get into the office, all calls can simply be accessed from the home extension as if you were sat at your desk.

    With the advancements of superfast broadband and rollout of FTTC across the country employees can use video conferencing services, access emails and use remote desktop services without the fear of timing out or low bandwidth restrictions.

    The possibilities and solutions are endless, but what is certain in this day and age there is no need for your business to grind to a halt because of the weather

    Odyssey has deployed home working, disaster recovery and linked office telecoms solutions for hundreds of businesses in the North East. Call 01642 661800 to see how we can add value to your business.


  • It’s that time of year again, snow falling, roads freezing, and the Odyssey elves are hard at work packing up the Odyssey Christmas truffles.

    Look out for our delicious gift in your Odyssey bill, and grab one while you can.

  • Plans for Government, police and intelligence officers to be able to monitor anyone’s real time phone and internet records will be “pointless and a major embarrassment” if they appear in the Queen’s Speech, according to IT entrepreneur Mike Odysseas.

    Mike, managing director of Tees Valley business to business telecoms provider Odyssey Systems says:

    The plans do not take into account what is realistically feasible.
    Internet Service Providers (ISPs) will be expected to hold the information on behalf of any government department.
    Some ISP’s could choose to sell their new ‘legal snooping’ database (as BT attempted two years ago but failed due to consumer backlash).
    It’s likely that the £2bn+ cost to businesses, of this bill would be passed on through government taxation or higher charges for consumers.
    The timing of the leak of this story is an attempt to make it “old news” when it is included in the Queen’s speech.

    Mike strongly believes that his Stockton-based firm is one of the many smaller Internet Service Providers (ISPs) which will suffer, along with millions of consumers.

  • Mike Odysseas, Managing Director of award-winning Tees Valley telecommunications business, believes Government needs to take decisive action and make short-term pain lead to long term improvements to the economy.
    He said: “At the rate action is being taken on the economy, our generation’s children and grandchildren are going to be suffering the pain of the recent recession, because the Government has its head in the sand.
    “We need some real pain for everyone, whatever they do, however much they earn, to actually get some results and start to solve the financial problems this country is facing.
    “There are some signs of improvement, for example with the Treasury closing the £500m tax loophole in relation to Barclays, but Government at all levels needs to start operating at more realistic levels of cost, more in line with private sector business.
    “As far as I can see, very little has actually been achieved and decisive action is needed now.”

  • 2012 is finally here and it is the year of the London Olympics. With less than 200 days to go, you may be wondering if it is going to affect you and your business? Be assured Odyssey is making sure that they are in perfect shape and at peak performance to help all of our customers in 2012.

    There is no doubt there will be a high level of demand for key services during the Olympic games. During games time, at peak moments we expect that the demand for broadband will be higher than normal. There is no way we can predict when these peak periods will be, we imagine this will entirely depend on how well the team GB do? But Odyssey will be prepared to meet the high demand expected during games time and will do everything we can to maximize our broadband performance.

    As an Odyssey customer you don’t need to worry about your broadband over this peak period as Odyssey have anticipated a high demand for the broadband services. Odyssey are dedicated to offering you a reliable, uninterrupted, high speed broadband service, with plenty of bandwidth for all our customers so that they will be able to access the games without any problem, or without any limitations on your service.
    Getting our business fighting fit for the impact of the 2012 games means you just have to sit back and enjoy the spectacular event. Fingers crossed for team GB.

    If you would like more information on upgrading your services to ensure you don’t miss a moment of the Olympic games, or have any other queries about your service. Call us on 0330 005 5555

  • The founder of a Tees Valley business-to-business telecommunications firm is offering £1000 to any member of his team who gives up smoking. Mike Odysseas, managing director, and founder of Odyssey Systems, is even handing out free electronic cigarettes to smokers in his workforce in a bid to boost their chances of giving up. See article.

    Press Article

  • For many years, an 0800 number has been seen as the best way for businesses to allow their customers to get in touch, free of charge.
    With the plethora of 0845, 0844 and other prefixes which have hit the market, 0800 numbers have held strong, allowing businesses to encourage incoming calls.
    However, according to industry regulator Ofcom, 2011 will be the first year to see more calls made from mobile phones than from landlines. It is this change in telecommunications habits which will see the decline in the 0800 number.
    As well as the new dominance in mobile calls, there is a new prefix in play, which will add to 0800’s demise. 03 numbers are in a prime position to become the major player for businesses which would like to increase incoming traffic.
    0800 calls are not free from mobiles and cost up to 20p per minute. Also, some simply do not work from mobiles. The motorists among you may have noticed this if they have tried to call such numbers as radio traffic and travel people – safely, of course – from a mobile, to report a problem on the roads. An automated voice will tell you “this number is not available from a mobile phone, please try again by dialling…”. It’s off-putting and not exactly safe.

  • For many years, an 0800 number has been seen as the best way for businesses to allow their customers to get in touch, free of charge.
    With the plethora of 0845, 0844 and other prefixes which have hit the market, 0800 numbers have held strong, allowing businesses to encourage incoming calls.
    However, according to industry regulator Ofcom, 2011 will be the first year to see more calls made from mobile phones than from landlines. It is this change in telecommunications habits which will see the decline in the 0800 number.
    As well as the new dominance in mobile calls, there is a new prefix in play, which will add to 0800’s demise. 03 numbers are in a prime position to become the major player for businesses which would like to increase incoming traffic.
    0800 calls are not free from mobiles and cost up to 20p per minute. Also, some simply do not work from mobiles. The motorists among you may have noticed this if they have tried to call such numbers as radio traffic and travel people – safely, of course – from a mobile, to report a problem on the roads. An automated voice will tell you “this number is not available from a mobile phone, please try again by dialling…”. It’s off-putting and not exactly safe.

  • Odyssey Systems, the Tees Valley Based business-business communications provider, has labelled a high court judge’s ruling “a complete waste of valuable resources”. Odyssey’s managing director, Mike Odysseas, likened the order for BT to block access to a file-sharing website to “eavesdropping on a private telephone conversation, ultimately forcing ISPs to vet and police content.” See article.

    Press Ruling Image

  • A business communications firm has highlighted 24 areas of the Tees Valley it says have the best broadband access. Odyssey Systems, based in Stockton, has focused on the likelihood of achieving high speeds, as opposed to quoted “up to” figures, to outline those areas it believes are best served by broadband exchanges. See article.

    Press Release

  • Odyssey Systems Limited, the Tees Valley based business-to-business telecommunications provider, has expanded its current workforce with the addition of an experienced of technical advisor. See Article