You may answer your phone so often over the course of a typical workday that you don’t give much thought to how you’re conducting yourself anymore. It’s important for you to review proper phone etiquette once in a while and incorporate those recommendations into your phone calls.
In many instances, a phone call is the first contact a client or prospect has with a small business. For many consumers, their first impression will be a lasting one, it can be the starting point for a long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationship, or it can be a relationship that never got off the ground.
When clients are greeted professionally and warmly without having to wait in a queue, it increases the likelihood they’ll have a positive impression of your organization. If they’re greeted as an inconvenience, or it takes too long for their call to be acknowledged by an attendant, it increases the chances they’ll hang up with a poor impression of your business.
Following proper phone etiquette isn’t only important when it comes to new callers — it’s also important to keep repeat callers to as your clients. It’s critical to growing your business because only people who have a good impression of your business will send referrals your way.