The sun was shining and crowds of people were out in force for the annual Daisy Chain Project Dragon Boat Race. The Odyssey Team were pitted against strong competiton from 22 other teams from various local businesses.
With the races underway the Odyssey Team eagerly waited for their turn, the much anticipated call came in the fourth heat for the team to man the boats and slowly row their way to start line. Up against two strong competitors they were ready for action, after a loud blow from the starting horn they were off. After a slow start the Odyssey team, through sheer grit and determination gained ground. With yards to the finish line they were neck and neck with the leaders, but were piped to the post by inches in the last few strokes.
The Odyssey team had a chance to dry off before second race was announced, but they knew they needed to secure a win in this race to avoid dropping out in the early rounds. With a quick change around in members and some swift team tactics the Odyssey crew manned their boat for the second time.
Race two was particular crowded with 4 teams in the running, including a team from Daisy chain and Barclays. With the pressure on they knew they had to win. After a much quicker start the team were neck and neck for first place all the way, storming toward the finish they crossed it victorious (or so they had thought). After quiet celebrations the winners were announced, but he accolade didn’t fall to Odyssey Systems. They couldn’t believe it, and neither could the Odyssey Spectators.
The team quickly ran to view the pictures from the finish line, “we was robbed” it looked like the Odyssey boat clearly crossed the line in first place. With camera in hand, Mike Odysseas ran to plead with the judges and after much deliberation a re-run was called.
For the third time the Odyssey team mounted the boat and made their way to the start line. It was all or nothing for them now. Did they win…………..?
Unfortunately they did not, they were well and truly beaten by a much stronger team from Daisy Chain who later on went to win the competition, but a fantastic day was had by all.